This is a warning to anyone that wants to friend me - I reserve the right to cut you from my friends list at ANY TIME. I don't usually cut people unless I have a real reason to do so
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It seems to me like you've had some really crappy LJ friends.
Also, you don't need to make excuses for friends cuts. I just cut 'em and say 'see ya'. If people are harassing you over being cut from your LJ they're not worth the effort of defending yourself, imo.
No kidding. I tend to explain myself for my own personal purposes rather than those of others. :)
This particular person has used 2 usernames she has so far to harass me because I dropped her.
Yeah, I've had some crappy ones, and I'm working on getting some better ones, like you for instance. You stick around and know that I mean well most of the time :) much of a loser do you have to be to continuously harrass someone on more than one username. Some people obviously have way too much time on their hands!
Your journal. Your thoughts. If they don't like it, they can leave. :)
of course you have the right to cut whomever you choose to cut... but i hope this is just an lj thing and you don't let the world get to you like this. people will always have bad things to say about something you hold dear. you can't cut humanity... so ignore it. i'm muslim, lol. so... i get how you feel on what i am guessing is a much larger scale. but f them... don't let them get you angry.
Thanks for the encouragement, Ty. It did in fact become a personal issue when a dear friend of mine did the same to me in RL that this person did here on LJ - I'm reevaluating our friendship as is she and we haven't spoken since I told her how I felt about what she said.
Hi there. :) I'm from the GodlyGals boards (same username there) and was reading one of your posts. I found your journal and had to friend you because:
1) you're a professional writing major as am I 2) you're a Godly Gal 3) you seem just darn awesome.
My name's Olivia, by the way. It's nice to make your acquaintance.
Absolutely, Olivia! :-) I'll be happy to add you. I'm Jazzy, by the way. :) It's nice to make your acquaintance as well. :) Yay for professional writing majors - we're a desperately needed breed of English major. :-D
Comments 14
Also, you don't need to make excuses for friends cuts. I just cut 'em and say 'see ya'. If people are harassing you over being cut from your LJ they're not worth the effort of defending yourself, imo.
Freakin' weirdos.
This particular person has used 2 usernames she has so far to harass me because I dropped her.
Yeah, I've had some crappy ones, and I'm working on getting some better ones, like you for instance. You stick around and know that I mean well most of the time :)
Your journal. Your thoughts. If they don't like it, they can leave. :)
You post what ya like, honey! ((hugs))
1) you're a professional writing major as am I
2) you're a Godly Gal
3) you seem just darn awesome.
My name's Olivia, by the way. It's nice to make your acquaintance.
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