Highclere Awards

Feb 08, 2014 07:14

The Highclere Awards have announced the nominations for the fifth and final round of Downton Abbey fic awards. This time nominations were open to any DA fic published since the start of the show rather than fics written this year. There were over 1500 nominated authors and fics across the categories, including a number of friends--big congrats to gilpin25, ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

huldrejenta February 8 2014, 14:05:53 UTC
Congratulations on some very well deserved nominations!
And best of luck on the voting :D


mrstater February 8 2014, 14:22:08 UTC
Thank you so much!


shimotsuki February 9 2014, 05:28:45 UTC
Congratulations! It's wonderful to see your fantastic fics recognized in that fandom, too.

And good for Mary/Richard, lol.

Best of luck in the voting!


mrstater February 9 2014, 13:05:24 UTC
Thank you so much! <3


solochan February 9 2014, 12:02:00 UTC
Congratulations on your nominations! I have yet to read your love Downton work but knowing from previous experience I am sure it will be fantastic. (Must put that on my to read list)

I'm also eager to read your GoT work but I'm so afraid of spoiling the books for me that I've avoided all fanfic like the plague.


mrstater February 9 2014, 13:05:56 UTC
Thank you! Yes, you should avoid my GoT fic beccause it's definitely more book-based than show-based!


gilpin25 February 9 2014, 20:21:33 UTC
Wow, that's some list of nominations, DLF. Congratulations indeed! ♥ I'm very grateful to whoever nominated my fic, it was such a nice and totally unexpected surprise.

ETA: Forgot to say that I can't possibly vote for you in the Mary characterization category. ;)


mrstater February 10 2014, 12:24:17 UTC
LOL. I understand if you feel conflicted about voting in that category. Thank YOU so much, and your fic totally deserved it. <3


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