I Used to Think We Were Forever

Aug 21, 2012 23:27

Title: I used to think we were forever
Pairing: Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw, past Harry/Louis
Word count: 1975
Disclaimer: Obviously this never happened. It would, though, be lovely if it had :) A girl can dream, right?
Huge thanks go out to badjujuboo and ladauphine for helping to make this so much more coherent. You guys rock my socks!
This is what happens when I listen ( Read more... )

harry styles, fandom:one direction, harry/louis, nick grimshaw

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Comments 12

badjujuboo August 22 2012, 03:42:23 UTC
i am so PROUD and SO HAPPY that you did this, that you TOLD this thing and ugh i'm just DYING because its AWESOME and what I want a (sort of - you know my head canon) and there are SO MANY pieces that I love but - meh doctors - so Imma leave this and come back PROPER and fawn all over you xx

Harry sighs, looks him in the eye, and asks, "Do you want me?"

"You know I do." And he didn't know, not really, but he's glad that he does now.


also i love you

and finish that other one now ok!!


mrsyt31 August 22 2012, 09:49:27 UTC
Yay! Love you too!


I USED TO THINK WE WERE FOREVER (T HARRY!CENTRIC) livejournal August 22 2012, 08:21:32 UTC
User badjujuboo referenced to your post from I USED TO THINK WE WERE FOREVER (T HARRY!CENTRIC) saying: [...] I USED TO THINK WE WERE FOREVER [...]


shrdmdnssftw August 22 2012, 08:26:51 UTC
I kind of went into this unsure of the pairing, but I love the way that you constructed Nick and Harry's relationship (as one between equals, which I find most people miss when there's an age gap?) so I really enjoyed reading this.

I also really liked the way you wrote Harry and Louis' relationship - as something that, although is in the past, still affects the two of them. I'm not a huge Larry shipper, but I like the way you treated it here.

Lovely :)


mrsyt31 August 22 2012, 09:48:50 UTC
Thanks, babe! I AM a huge Larry shipper, and it can be hard to write them with other people, even when you are an equal opportunity reader <3


sarahah30 August 22 2012, 17:38:12 UTC
I really liked this. Was a bit unsure as I've never really been a fan of Nick (he was always too damn perky for Sunday morning TV for my liking) But this was great.


mrsyt31 August 22 2012, 18:24:46 UTC
Thanks so much for reading! Grimmy is my favorite, like i feel like hens taken Harry under his wing and showed him, 'this I'd the kind of life you can if you just be yourself', ya know? Anyways, thanks again! <3


my_crookedsmile August 22 2012, 18:15:26 UTC
I've had this comment box open for hours. idek what to say, b/c seeing the words I think about all these boys makes me feel even crazier than this fandom makes me feel in general. I think you and I are on a similar wavelength though, so, here goes...
I'm heartsick to think that Larry is no more. The only thing that eases the ache is seeing Harry going out and having fun and other friends. I know we really know nothing, but I see it like you see it above (re Eleanor etc). I feel angry at L and sad for H. And I just cannot keep feeling that about people I don't even know (and omg like I said i can't even believe what I'm typing) so, yeah, I think Harry is an amazing person who is just completely comfortable with himself. And if he and L are no longer as close as they seemed to us to be, then I want him to move on and be his beautiful free self.
yeah. I'm running away now and hiding.
ps, I loved it. I just had to get those crazy feels out ^^.


mrsyt31 August 22 2012, 18:22:37 UTC
I.m right there with you. This is how my feels manifest themselves <3 Thanks reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


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