The fact they made me wait an excruciating few weeks after such a hiatus cliffhanger (did I mention I hate cliffhangers) should deduct points...
Okay, OMG, I can't find my vocabulary arsenal right now to say how much I love (dear web coders, please don't hate me for using every goddam html tag for it, lol) this episode.
It's hard to sustain the kind of momentum from the ending of the previous episode where (highlight) THEY SHOT REESE!!!! so they didn't, easing into an oblique homage to "Rear Window". And that works, because emotionally, where can you go from that last episode. Any higher anxiety and I'll need a nap every commercial break!
Going slow, letting the viewers rest along with the cast, gives us a great opportunity to see everyone out of their comfort zone and how they respond to it.
Borrowing a page from
penfold-x's LJ, I'm listing my squees instead:
What I Like About The Episode:
1. Going to the morgue that first scene, while not the running, "Give me a BP...", ER-esque pace moment, the way Emerson acted in his emotionally jerky fashion wheeling Reese in. And rather than just a body stretcher as you would expect to stay in guise in the Coroner's office, Finch put Reese in a gurney with pillows, because dead, but in comfort. Yes, it takes little to make me happy. LOL.
2. "Use the cushion!" Voice of experience coupled with Odd Couple hilarity. I'm flailing, LOLing here.
3. The initial webcam stakeout as they exchange theories about Trask, even over Chinese food, has this cute macho domesticity that I adored. Plus, when Reese mildly commented that maybe Trask was going to snap and shoot his boss, the look on Finch's face = FTW.
4. Carter was not an idiot or torn with guilt. She knew when she was being tailed, she knew how to throw it off and playing a mini!Reese in the end made me love Carter a bit more each episode.
5. "Poke him in the eye, that's your technique?" "No, that's your technique." The whole thumb in eyeball exchange rolled up concern about Finch in the field and remind us Reese is that lethal into one funny scene. Reese is concerned about sending Finch out into 'the field' and the writers' approach to this made a winner of a scene.
6. Poke him in the eye: and in the end, it worked and the look of amazement Finch had when it did work was classic!
7. Reese with crutches duking it out with Rich: he may be down but he's so not out.
8. Flashbacks: they're not intrusive and I love the glimpses of Finch pre-series. I need Harold and Nate friendship fic!
9. The machine: more and more, you get the feeling Finch is humanizing it. IE: "Sh, it's listening"
10. Stealthy Finch: Okay, he wasn't, lol, he nearly got caught by Trask, but that escape up the elevator, Reese on the computer was a great role reversal yet despite the pair in different shoes, they still pulled off well.
11. "Harold." Is it just me or is there just something when Reese is so concerned he used "Harold" like when Finch said "John" at the end of the last episode?
What I Am "Eh" About From The Episode:
1. The flashbacks of Nate and Harold are fun, has a nice friendship ring to it, yet from Finch's comment about Carter betraying Reese to Snow and the foreshadowing feel to the flashbacks, I fear the worse for this past friendship. Because it would explain a bit about Finch's paranoia too.
2. Connecticut: Really, Snow?
3. Taxi to Queens: Um...LOL, someone in the writers' room obviously is into Bloomberg's ideal NYC. Hailing a cab to go to Queens. Really? LOL.
Seriously though, how much more can I love a show. Slow buddy-buddy dynamic, subtle in the comfort, oh my. I need fic, folks!