Myshuno Prompt: Something about James and Willameena (
peasant007 )
Characters: James and Willameena Prescott
Notes: behind the scenes in Guilford
Word Count: 1057
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Another day. Willameena Prescott rolled over to avoid the light coming through the curtain. The air was cold and she lamented that Pembrooke had yet to start a fire in the grate. Yet she could tell by the heat at her side that James had apparently spent the night in their bed. Quite unusual. By the smell he'd most likely emptied the liquor cabinet. Not as unusual. As always she wasn't certain she had the strength to do it all again. And as always she found a small reservoir down deep and pasted a great smile on her face.
“Good morning husband.” She said brightly as she turned over and pecked his pallid cheek. She ignored his irritated grumble as he swiped her kiss away. “Shall I have breakfast sent up?” Another mumble. “You're quite right. I'd better see to it myself.” She got out of bed, pulled the bell at the door and began a cheerful running commentary on her list of daily chores as she readied herself for the day.
When Pembrooke finally arrived with wood for the grate she was sure to give the older woman a stern talking to. “You must see to this earlier on. It is inexcusably frigid in here.”
“I'm sorry ma'am. I thought to see to the nursery first. Miss Eldridge gave strict instructions that the boys weren't to be chilled.”
“Mr. Prescott also dislikes a chill in the room.” Willameena said frostily. “As you're in his employ and not Miss Eldridge's, he ought to be your main concern. The children can wait.” She dismissed the apologetic maid with disgust and had her cousin sent for to help her dress.
As always Lucy patiently endured her reprimand as she dealt with Meena's mass of hair. In Lucy's opinion, Mr. Prescott couldn't possibly feel the cold with all that alcohol in his system. Wisely she kept such thoughts to herself and was able to bring a chipper smile to her cousin's face as they left the room and headed down to breakfast.
Willameena's morning was spent at her desk with a small pile of correspondence. She didn't have many social obligations, or friends for that matter, still she went calling and left cards at every opportunity. She'd been taken in hand by Mrs. Trace Norrington, such a true lady. Meena emulated her at every turn. James seemed to think so highly of she and her husband.
She had Lucy bring the children to her at elevenses, though it wasn't long before she regretted the decision. Beautiful though they were, both Jamie and Peter were messy, loud, sticky and abrasive. Jamie more than the other. Their bids for affection always left her gowns in a sorry state; stained or torn. And the tears! Was there ever a tale of more woe than that of two toddlers in want of attention?
“Oh!” Meena exclaimed as Peter pulled a pin from her hair, destroying her updo. “Take the beast away, Lucy! I can't bear him any longer.”
James finally surfaced and joined them for the midday meal and Willameena plastered on a happy smile, pleased to have her family all in one place. She managed to keep it pinned on even though James hid behind his paper throughout the meal while Jamie cried and threw his food and Peter spit up nearly everything poor Lucy patiently attempted to shovel into his mouth.
“Is there a reason for the boys being here, Miss Eldridge?” James queried from behind his paper.
“They must learn to eat civilly with others.” Lucy answered placidly. “It's good for them to see your example.”
“Could it not wait until they've gained the ability to do so? They're like a brace of howler monkeys.”
Willameena laughed brightly. “Such wit my dear. But Lucy he is quite right. This is clearly no place for the children. Perhaps they shall have every meal in the nursery.”
“If Miss Eldridge believes their presence here is necessary then let her alone.” James' grumbled irritably. “Lord knows she possesses far more intelligence on these matters than you.”
Willameena gave him a winning smile. “You're quite right dear. Lucy carry on.”
Lunch finished in relative silence.
They had company for tea. Meena was most pleased to engage the company of Miss Mary Smith. She was a resident of the local parish and already making the rounds with the most distinguishable families in Guilford. Willameena couldn't believed she'd accepted the invitation.
James barely managed to be civil, seeming annoyed at every little thing and constantly checking the time. Willameena did her best to employ Mrs. Norrington's lessons in etiquette.
“Yes, I'm quite enjoying my stay in Guilford.” Mary was saying. “I've found everyone to be warm and welcoming. It's made my acclimation much easier.”
Willamneena giggled. “I'm sure the attentions of a certain eligible bachelor have also helped in that regard.”
“Good lord woman!” James snapped. “Have you no sense?” He set his tea down abruptly and bowed to Mary. “If you will excuse me Miss Smith, I can bear my wife's tedious conversation no longer.”
After his exit Meena gave Mary a cheery smile. “Oh don't mind him. He is always out of humor.”
Tea was also finished in relative silence.
She and James were alone for dinner and Willameena kept up her side of engaging conversation while James attempted to drink himself into oblivion while eviscerating his quail. Lucy joined them afterward and James engaged her in a game of chess while Meena read by the fire. Try though she might Willameena's eyes kept skipping all over the page. She still disliked sitting so long in one attitude and envied Lucy's ability to do so. If only she could be as poised and intelligent, then maybe James would engage her company.
James declined all hints of invitation to bed and Willameena climbed up to their bedchamber alone. She sat at her vanity and listened to the carriage leave. As always she didn't know where James was going or when he would return. If he indeed returned by morning. With a deep sigh she smiled at her reflection.
“Well done dear. Now get some rest for tomorrow is another big day.”