Huh. Okay, so that was unusual.
I'm kind of disappointed I have time for a reaction post this week and I didn't last week, because I liked 320 so much more than this one.
This one I disliked much of the time and was intrigued by some of the time. I am NOT a fan of talk shows or reality shows and so even though so much of the construction of the episode was in no way believable, it still made me squirm in a very uncomfortable way, the way I always do with those shows. So, you know, the 'make it look less polished' thing worked, but not in a good way, just in an 'omg, it looks so amateurish' way.
BUT, at the same time, it was intriguing to have the outsider POV and see familiar things differently -- the tail-end of Danny's giggle at the camera crew needing to sign personal waivers, the many MANY lovely Danny back-views, Steve doing weapons maintenance as an aside, the cargument from the backseat, the approach to the interrogation room. So kudos to the crew for finding different angles and framing to give the episode an entirely different feel than it normally does. And kudos also to the director and actors for being able to carry that uncomfortable vibe all the way through.
As for the Wo Fat thing -- well, on the one hand, it's such a major plot arc it felt weird to view it from such a distance, but at the same time, seeing it from an outside perspective (and with none of the usual dramatic effects, like background music) gave it more impact in a way because it striped away the emotion and made it so much more cold and unfeeling.
On the plus side? It felt like we got a whole lot more team than we've been getting lately, so go team! Oh, and what a tease with the tattoo artist in the credits, he was just a witness and did NOT get us another Steve-tattoo. Bah!
Anyway, here -- some pics, because well, even with my very very crappy screengrabs this week ... it's not an episode without pics, right? :D
Danny's back and ass are a thing of beauty
Danny does not want the camera in his face, PLEASE. He asked nicely
Steve wants to know if the crew have all signed personal waivers, because that's 'essential' :D
Crappy screengrab, but Danny's giggle right there was probably the episode highlight for me
"Who has all that tech expertise?" "Ah, that would be me" Yay, Kono
"OMG, you see!" Steve, proving just how annoying Danny is. I love them so SO much when they bicker, and so -- Steve decides where Danny's eating lunch every day, huh? Of course he does ;)
I just liked the framing of this one
Oh, Steve...
So. Anyone know anything about the next episode? And is it next week, or do we have to wait again? I think I've missed all the spoilers if there's been any.
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