Fic: Burning bright (Derek/Stiles)

Jan 30, 2014 00:26

Yay! New fic! Written for the picfor1000 challenge.

Oh my goodness, I am SMITTEN by these two silly boys! :D

Title: Burning bright
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles

Notes: prompted by this picture, beta by
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derek/stiles, teen wolfery, fic

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Comments 4

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ms_artisan January 30 2014, 08:49:45 UTC


Wait! What about you? Do YOU have TW fic??


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ms_artisan January 31 2014, 09:48:31 UTC
Aw, honey, you will ALWAYS be bestest writer. You are just temporarily hibernating. *squishes*

So. Threesomes, huh? I would read Derek/Stiles/Erica in a heartbeat (who cares about canon! ;). Also? I'm a little intrigued by the possibilities of Scott/Allison/Isaac.

Like I said, who cares about canon! ;)


nell65 January 30 2014, 14:57:55 UTC
When a new fandom/couple gets under your skin, it's all amazing - isn't it! hee!


ms_artisan January 31 2014, 09:37:54 UTC
I know! Joyous, Nell! :D


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