... that one could weep tears of joy just to see a kitten eating.
As you can imagine, yesterday was a pretty traumatic day for us here. Being the 'mum' in the house I was generally the one doing the comforting, being sensible and practical and generally making sure everyone else was ok.
Yes, it was terrible we had lost Spencer....but Biscuit, MY cat, was still ill. I was terrified it would develop into the same thing that had taken Spencer. I was determined to not let him go downhill like Spencer did and had been making sure he was fed and watered strictly to the letter of the vet's instructions. I really didn't realise though, just how worried I was about it all until tygrr called me into the kitchen.
'What for?' I asked.
'Trust me, you really need to come.' she said.
With my mind racing as to what new crisis was unfolding I walked into the kitchen. There was Biscuit, sitting on the large bag of kitten dry food we keep in the dining room, head in the bag munching away happily. He had been so determined to eat he had forced his way past the clip we use to seal the bag and was helping himself. He was EATING!
So what did I do? I literally burst into tears and collapsed on tygrr's shoulder. Tears of relief and joy.
He drank by himself that night too, just after I had hydrated him, going to the waterbowl almost as if to get the taste of the hydration mix out of his mouth. I assure you I slept much better last night, although was still wary that we may not be out of the woods yet.
This morning he was wanting to eating and drink. He would go to the bowl and lick his lips but then turn away. I decided that it would not hurt his health, or my nerves, if he was checked out by the vet to see what was happening, so off to the vet we went at lunch time.
Well, the vet says he clearly does not (at this stage) have the same thing as Spencer. His abdomen feels right. He is a brighter and more active cat than Spencer was when he was really ill. His lungs are clear. His nose and eyes are clear. His throat looks good - at least that bit of it that can be seen. Yet he is definitely off food. The vet even tempted him with some treats they have there and he just was not interested.
So, to help the appetite he was given an appetite stimulant which will work for about 24hours, and as a precautionary measure some antibiotics to take in case there is an infection lower down in his throat that is not visible from above. He had lost a little weight since Friday, but only about 50grams.
Since returning home, he has been much more active. He has also been eating well, going to the food bowl twice in the first half hour after returning home, and also going and drinking by himself too. I was watching him drink though, and I think there is an issue with his throat lower down as he seems to need to gulp to swallow, as one does when one's throat is sore. So here's hoping that is all his problem is, and that he will continue to eat now the appetite stimulant has kickstarted him again, and that the antibiotic will deal with any nasty bugs that may be lurking in his throat and after that he can settle in to be a happy and healthy kitten again.
In the meantime the breeder who sold us Spencer and Biscuit very quickly offered us another kitten for free for troll. He later emailed me with an alternative plan. I think he realises it would be hard for troll to bond with another kitten so soon, especially one of the same colouring as Spencer, and he only has lilacs available at the moment. So he has suggested we bring home one of his seal-point queens, Little Flower, to keep troll company until she comes in season when she will return to him for a few days for mating, before returning to be with us again where she will stay until her kittens are ready to be placed. During that time troll will have been able to decide which of her babies she wants and shall keep that one when Little Flower and her other offspring return to the breeder.
He really is a soft hearted and very kind man, and was devastated when he heard about Spencer. I think this way troll will get to have company and solace from Little Flower but not have to bond with a kitten until she is over losing Spencer. What a brilliant and generous plan he has given us.
So, as the vet advised to wait a week to let Biscuit fully recover first, Little Flower will be joining us next weekend most likely. Just the prospect of having her come to stay for a while has heartened my little troll a lot.
Now, to continue the cheer, here are some kitten cuteness pics.
Biscuit watching 'kitten tv' - my aquarium screen saver
Ra'zac, the Bengal, looking very regal on my desk
Ra'zac looking very evil on my desk...lol
Ra'zac has settled in well with us, being with us a week now. He is much calmer and less inclined to bite at the slightest provocation. He is actually showing a rather sweet disposition now he is not scared of all the new surroundings. Oddly enough, where he will not hesitate to nip tygrr if he doesn't like what she wants him to do (like move over in bed), he seems to understand it would be very foolish to nip da Dragon.. *Grins*
I am looking forward to this week, with him actually as I reckon sometime this week he will unbend enough with the other feline residents enough to begin to play with them. I think he will make a good playmate for 'Snack' (whose real name is Seth, but alas Snack has stuck), my little black kitten who is now about 6 months old. He and Ra'zac are of a similar size and build, and playful disposition. Time will tell however.
This week is looking promising. No appointments down town to have to run down to. No 40C (over 100F) days forecast. Yes! Heaven forbid I might actually get some time and circumstance to do what I want to do with myself for once!
Now all I need is to see Biscuit fully recovered and I will be a happy dragon..:)