Time for a quickie....

Mar 30, 2007 09:20

... is about all I have got this morning as I have friends coming up from the city in about two hours and I am still in my pjs!

Ok, so the dental saga: Long story short, there was no problem with the tooth that had been aching. There was no decay in it. It was suffering from what they call 'referred pain', which means it was the site of the extraction which was the issue, not the other tooth. She (the dentist) got her little lights and mirrors working in my mouth and had a squizz (look) down into the wound left from the extraction. She said that even though my mouth was trying to heal, it had been just too traumatic a wound to do so by itself. She said she could see EXPOSED BONE!!! and she suspected the nerve was exposed also. So she cleaned it out with some saline solution, packed it with some fibrous stuff that had anti-inflammatories and oil of cloves and other good stuff in it, and it has been completely pain free ever since!

Frankly she could not believe that a/ they insisted on removing that tooth without surgery and thereby causing so much trauma to my mouth; and b/ they had not then either stitched or packed the wound afterwards. She said it was in a horrendous state for it having been two weeks since the extraction.

So there you go, I'm not just a sook. I told yas it was really hurting...:P

Mind you, that doesn't mean I am not a sook at all, just that I had good reason at least this time!

Oh, and the inflammation in my mouth? No, it wasn't thrush, as evidenced by the fact it was only in half my mouth, and that half being the side of the extraction tended to indicate it was something to do with that. We deduced it wasn't a reaction to the Benzocaine which I had been using for at least a week before the extraction and had used considerably less afterwards. The fact it has cleared up remarkably well since the packing was applied would seem to indicate that the infectious, inflammatory shit that was leaking from the wound was causing the trouble. This was also no doubt the cause of my extreme tiredness as a lot of this crap was getting down into my stomach.

Since then I have been spending my time recooperating and gradually getting some energy and stamina back. It really had knocked the sox of me.

In other news, I have been growing my hair out since last June and it had gotten down past my neck and below the tops of my shoulders (at least at the back). It was annoying the daylights out of me at night as I hate hair over my ears and hate it on my neck when I sleep, so I had to keep moving my hair out of the way as I rolled over at night. I was always wearing it up and as it got longer the pull of the clips on my hair to hold the weight of it started to pull on my scalp and I have a sensitive scalp. So in the end I decided to do the big chop job.


I didn't just revert back to my former hair style. I did a google image search for short hair styles and collected a few dozen and then took my time deciding what I wanted. I also bought a new hair colour for it. It's called Schwarzkopf 'Cyber Purple'. I thought it apt....:)

So now my hair is in a shorter funky style in a decidedly funky colour. I like it. Tygrr thinks it's hot. No wonder I like it... ;)
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