Well you guys certainly didn't make this easy! We got some really, really strong mod applications and it was very difficult to choose, hence the second round of questions which still took a lot of deliberation.
But we've made our decision, so please welcome your new mod ...
Congrats, Padre!
You will know Padre from his original characters
Lenny the seagull and
Samuel Goldthwaine Robinson Jr, and can be reached on AIM at blackmesasol! He's been on the boat for over a year now, so please welcome him into the mod team! As of yet, Padre has not been subjected to The New Mod Hazing Ceremony of Unquenchable Blood Thirst and Hollow Unfeeling Tears, so while he is an official full member of your modly mods, he is unavailable for questions yet!
As you may have noticed, we have only picked one mod this time. We've decided to make a trial run, and see how well a five person mod team works out. We may very well decide to incorporate a sixth mod, at which point we will go back to the other fabulous apps we received and take another look.
It's really awesome to see how many of you jumped at the chance to help us out, thank you for being so awesome! And give Padre a big round of Internet Applause in congratulations! Padre shall be inducted into our ranks, and as such we all ask your patience and co-operation as his sightless hands tremble with giddy palsy when he re-learns how to type. Shrouded in the endless, hideous blackness of the knowledge of the boat's origins, you can be assured that where we are taking Padre, we don't need eyes.
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! 3: