Putting this here for later

Sep 08, 2010 13:33

All skin types benefit from exfoliation (removal of dead skin cells), and moisturizing ingredients. The following masque was designed to exfoliate and moisturize and can be used by all skin types. It is recommended for those with sensitive skin, so you can be confident about the results.

You will need:

½ cup hot water (do not boil)

1/3 cup quick oatmeal (the label should say 1 minute or 3 minute cooking time)

2 tablespoons plain yogurt

2 tablespoons honey

1 egg white from a small egg

First, mix water and oatmeal. Set this aside to thicken. It should form a paste. While the oatmeal is thickening, mix the other ingredients with a mixer. Add the oatmeal paste and mix until the mixture is well blended.

To use, apply a fairly thin layer evenly to the face, avoiding the eyelids. However, if you do get this masque in your eyes, just rinse out with warm water. No contents of this mixture should cause harm to the eyes. Leave on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. Your face should feel tight, but the masque does not need to dry completely to work. When your time is up, simply rinse your face with warm water.

This mixture should be just enough for one application

. If you have any left over, you can refrigerate it for up to one week.

For an extra treat, place used tea bags on your eyelids while your masque is working. This will reduce any puffiness on your eyelids, and give you a refreshed appearance to complement the new glow of your facial skin.


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