Catching up....

Sep 13, 2003 15:57

WOW, I am in a really good mood right now. :o)~

Last few days have been kinda "janky" if you will. Must be the full moon like Tiff says. I ran into this guy @ my sisters who I had a tiny crush on a few years back, so he asks me for my number so i give him my 2way and we talk and stuff, then come to find out hes married LOL....that brings back memories of dec 01'. lol.

The 2yr Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on ths US was this week, it was kinda sad and scary all at one. I still remember what I was doing that day. I wasnt working so I slept through just about everything and I woke up and all of this is on the radio and i was all like WTF is going on. Then i watched the news @ nite with my parents and went to pick up my friend Genie. Ill never forget that day. Now when Taylor learns about 9-11 in History in school, I will be able to tell her first hand about that day, and the feelings I had. Maybe my generation will teach our children less hate than the ones before us and they can live their lives "terroist alert" free. That is a great wish I have for my daughters future.....that she have one.

Friday I got off work early just lazed around. Went to Windsor with Tiffany GOOD TIMES. We hung out @ O and Im going to refer to last nite as "The night of 15 drinks" FOREVER. lol. SOOO FUN lol. Here are just a few HIGHLIGHTS:

PIMPING the tb. good times. lol.
Nikki, I bet that is his gf (not seriously) OMFG that IS her. EWWWW WTF. LMMMMMMMFAO!
Nikki, Pano is looking HOT in that white hat. I wanna go DO HIM. WTF lol it was a HAT. lol.
Those Chicago guys @ Bentleys, lol.
ME being so drunk I sorta kissed ADAM eww.
Me getting up and leaving the chicago guys LMAO. I just climbed over the table and LEFT.
Pano actually being nice to a guy he didnt know....AMAZING.
The FREAKIDNESS going down at the river/lake. OMG.
Me saying "throw her in the waters, its prolly cleaner than she is" LMAO
Shining the brights on them OMG! lol
TALKING to them lol.
Hanging out in the TB. it was fun.

ok now i gotta go do some stuff, and dl some music, then uhh itll be time to get ready, so im outta here to upd8 my site.

Lata ppl
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