Lexa=Lexa Doig
I'm so going to the special hell. Since I missed yesterday's, I did two today. They kinda suck, but my muse is kinda dead. The second one is longer than I thought it would be...I just couldn't end it.
"Didn't it hurt when you stabbed your eye?" -W
"Huh?" -S
"With the screwdriver." -W
"When did I do that?" -S
"Last night, the banana turned into a screwdriver and you stabbed your eye out." -W
"Um...I think that was in the movie we watched, Suddenly Naked." -S
"Oh...that explains the crazy woman evilly cackling." -W
"I think you had way too much to drink." -S
"Probably." -W
"Oh my god." -S
"What?" -W
"Oh shit." -W
"How the hell is it blue?" -S
"Um...well...I sorta forgot to tell you something." -W
"What?" -S
"Canadian males can carry my babies." -W
"Since when?" -S
"Well, all Canadian males can carry babies. Didn't you know that?" -W
"That does explain my father..." -S
*nods* -W
"But...we never even had sex!" -S
"Um...yes we did." -W
"When?" -S
"Remember that morning you woke up and you couldn't remember what happened the night before, and I told you that you had hot monkey sex with Lexa?" -W
"Uh huh..." -S
"Well I lied." -W
"Dude...you're sick." -S
"Hey, we were drunk...horny...what was I supposed to do?" -W
"Well if you knew I could get pregnant, you should've worn a condom at least!" -S
"That's no excuse." -S
"Don't tell me you're going to get all pissy on me now." -W
"I'M GOING TO HAVE A BABY. How am I supposed to feel? What are my kids going to think? What's Lexa going to think? What are my friends going to think? I hope you're going to pay child support, Mr. NCIS." -S
"Actually, I sorta...got killed off." -W
"What?" -S
"And your agent called...you need a new job." -W
*breaks down in tears*
"Michael...wake up!" -Lexa
"Wha...huh?" -S
"Hunny, you were screaming 'No...I'm not pregnant!' and thrashing around. Are you all right?" -Lexa
"Sorry, was having a nightmare." -S
"Obvious, if you thought you were pregnant." -Lexa
*laughs* "Yeah, can you imagine?" -S
"Well at least I wouldn't be the one with morning sickness." *smirk* -Lexa
"Speaking of..." *gets up, runs to the bathroom, vomits* -S
*raises an eyebrow* "Oops." -Lexa