Just curious, why are you fasting? I didn't know of anyone ever fasting on Good Friday, and none of my Christian friends do (or at least I don't think they do!). Is it only the clergy that fast? Please explain to this ignorant Jew! :)
It is an early Christian tradition (circa 200 c.e.) that catechumens and candidates for baptism fasted on Good Friday, in preparation for baptism on Easter Sunday and also to share the suffering of Jesus on the cross. I'm trying it out this year for the first time, because usually I forget. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the only true fast days in the ECUSA, though some choose to abstain from meat on all Fridays during Lent.
I believe that all Catholics fast on Good Friday, and they fast a lot throughout the rest of the year too. Fasting means bread and water, though, not the kind of fasting that Jews do.
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