Been a while since I've touched a blog. Trying to start this one off, but like I said, it's been a while. Not even sure who's reading this, so I guess I'll just charge in blindly >.<. Also I need to calm my nerves before my driving exam tomorrow, so...some FFX thoughts.
Started playing FFX two days ago. My third RPG--after FFVII ( =D so good) and FFVIII--and it's looking really really good so far. The story is fascinating, and the graphics are just...awesome in so many ways especially in comparison with the previous two. I LOVE Lulu's voice. Wakka makes me laugh, and I can tell already that I'll end up falling madly in love with Auron XD. I'm as predictable as any other fangirl out there, so...yes. I don't usually like the main characters though(except in FFVII, where everyone from heros to villians--especially villians--are lovable), because they're just...not as cool as the others. We'll see how Tidus and Yuna fares. Been avoiding walkthroughs and spoilers like the plague, since I'm trying to finish the game without knowing anything beforehand. But I think at some point I'll give in to the lure of the secret items and quests that I KNOW I'm missing out on.
Now off to sleep.