Title: The Game Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~4,500 Summary: Minho was always competitive, whether he was aware of it or not. Inspired/taken by this picture.
That was beautiful and realistic and so heart-rendingly gorgeous. I loved how you developed it and I was most affected by the scene with Minho dealing with the personal tragedy...very lushly written and fantastically stylized.
i kind of went on hiatus so it makes me happy to see amazing jongho writers out there (im not saying im amazing, i just know that i did write a lot of jongho. hahaha)
They're so soft in this fic it's just adorable. Usually their competitiveness is macho/violent/physical but here it's subtle and it's cute :D I might just like it this way better ;)
Comments 26
I loved how you developed it and I was most affected by the scene with Minho dealing with the personal tragedy...very lushly written and fantastically stylized.
i'm glad you liked it that much ^^~
i dont mind them sleeping, i wrote a jongho chaptered fic with the both of them sleeping ending almost all chapters.
write more.
haha i guess i'm not the only one then ^^~
omo i will do my best, especially since it's coming from such a big name in the jongho community.
thank you for reading :3
i kind of went on hiatus so it makes me happy to see amazing jongho writers out there (im not saying im amazing, i just know that i did write a lot of jongho. hahaha)
i shall stalk u~
hope to read mire from you ^^
thank you thank you~
They're so soft in this fic it's just adorable. Usually their competitiveness is macho/violent/physical but here it's subtle and it's cute :D I might just like it this way better ;)
Thanks for sharing!
haha x3 i feel like their machoness is just a coverup for them being such softies >w< & i'm glad to have changed your preference ^^
and no no thank you for reading and commenting :3
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