2007 Yuletide Recs - Part 2

Dec 27, 2007 22:48

I'm sorry, did I say three or four posts? I may have been overly optimistic. I'm not even through the Fs yet, Fairy Tales (trad) has defeated me by sheer numbers. Here are the rest of my recommendations to date:

Top Picks

Out of Narnia (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)
A short piece with excellent characterization for Lucy.

Not Gods, But Demons (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)
A well done background story for Jadis.

Bittersweet (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)
A nice glimpse of Edmund, after.

Small Things (Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series)
A beatifully written story about Bredon Wimsey's first Christmas.

Scarce Any Man (Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series)
A fabulous story centering on Harriet and her friends during her last days with Phillip Boyd.

Dancing in the Moonlight (Fairy Tales (trad))
The story of 'The Twelve Dancing Princess' from the perspective of the youngest. Well done and very sweet.

The Man in the Mirror (Fairy Tales (trad))
An excellent twist on a perennial favorite.

What the Pea Proved (Fairy Tales (trad))
An excellent reworking of traditional tales.

The Boy Without Fear (Fairy Tales (trad))
A beautifully crafted story with its roots in traditional tales but that is something all its own.

Radiant Fire, to Things Ephemeral (Fifth Element)
A brilliant look at Leeloo and how she identifies who she is and what she does.

Other Stories I Enjoyed

The Slope (Batman the Animated Series)

First Time Out (Batman the Animated Series)

The Ivy Green (Batman the Animated Series)

If Wishing Made it So (Batman the Animated Series)

A Good Queen (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)

Sea Legs (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)

Three True Things About Archenland (CS Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia)

Ducenti Quinquaginta (Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series)

Where All Past Years Are (Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series)

His Girl (Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series)

The Troll Princess (Fairy Tales (trad))

The Right Sort (of Nothing) (Fairy Tales (trad))

Let Us Tend to Our Garden (Fairy Tales (trad))

Senno Ekto Gamat (Fifth Element)

The Long Afterglow (Fifth Element)

Traces (Fifth Element)

yuletide/nyr, recommendations

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