(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 23:47

Student Academic Status Committee
New College of Florida
Office of the Registrar
5700 N. Tamiami Trail, PMD-115
Sarasota, FL 34243-2197

October 22, 2006

To Members of the SASC,

I am writing in regards to my withdrawal from New College for Fall 2006 and decision to apply for readmission for Spring 2007.

I chose to withdraw from New College for a number of reasons. Primarily, I needed to improve my financial situation so that I can turn my full attention to New College coursework during my final semester. As of Spring 2006, I was a fourth year student concentrating in sociology and environmental studies. While at New College, I completed my Liberal Arts and ISP requirements. I spent Fall 2005 and Spring 2006 working on my senior thesis with Professors David Brain and Sarah Hernandez. My thesis examines local community support for sustainable development in Portland Oregon. I have invested ample energy in my thesis work, and I look forward to completing it. To date, I have also satisfied six contracts and must fulfill the terms of one more. Professor Hernandez has agreed to continue acting as my thesis and contract sponsor if I am readmitted.

I have spent the past months working full time to save funds for my final semester, volunteering with a Sarasota-based pedestrian and bicycle advocacy group, and spending time at the local community garden learning organic gardening. The time away from school has not only allowed me to sort out my finances and gain experience in fields that I feel vocational about, but it has given me time to think about my priorities and the direction I'd like to go after New College.

Though I have spent my time away from New College learning new skills, I miss New College’s academic community. I hope to return to finish what I've started and then move on to graduate school, most likely for urban planning policy and design. I feel much more prepared to finish my last contact and my thesis now, having spent this time sorting through my finances and planning for the future. If I am allowed to return in February, I will be ready to focus my full attention on my New College coursework.

I look forward to rounding out my New College career with coursework relating to my plans for future graduate studies in urban planning. For my final contract, I’d like to take four classes, including Sociology of Sustainable Development, Land Use and Environmental Law, Math Tools for Social Scientists, and Intermediate Drawing. Ideally, I’d like to finish my thesis work early in the semester so that I could focus on satisfying the terms of my final contract in its remainder.

Attached you will find letters from my academic sponsor, Professor Hernandez, and my employment supervisor in support of my petition.

I look forward to meeting with the committee to discuss the terms of my readmission to New College for Spring 2006. Thank you for your consideration,

Claire Richardson
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