Im a fat ass..for dinner i just ate two pieces of pie..yea so what! hahaha Bon fire = awesome..No I know why i work at wood ranch! I finally got comfortable with the food/co-workers and the tips :) !!! NOW PHC TIME!!!
haha i love this convo bc basically i can drink again...
MnKegUrl: hmmm..i can drive! MnKegUrl: i can drink MnKegUrl: sorry QTheSlug: lol really!! MnKegUrl: haha QTheSlug: i know you can MnKegUrl: i mean alcohol
haha i love it im excited........i should be studyin but i can too many distractions
Yea so i survived my 1st sorority elections...pretty dayum brutal.. I got nominated for Delta Queen thats pimp..was very least expected...sporting my letters from initiation and Rubys today for FIJI's fundraiser oo n a bio lab final...YAY!! Starbucks tonight at 9ish on chapman across from El Modena!! haha well im out..PHC= goodness!!
I know that feeling when you want something soo bad and when you get it, its the best feeling of your life. Example Freebirds... Kumar.. what is that like 5 O's and 2 U's.. hahaha i love that movie..its the best ok done with the random post..i should prolly run
So...this sunday I will be putting my two weeks notice in at Oggi's..I got hired at Wood Ranch! woot woot! im all is going way great right now....
YAY!!! I got exactly who I wanted as my big even tho she sucks for playing with my head... haha but yes I heart my BIG!!! I am soo happy right now : )...everyone pray for me that I get hired at costco.Otherwise I'll cry... haha well im off to bed oo n pray for me to get an A on my bio midterm! yea thanks a lot haha
"Be a pothead...HAPPY HARRY POTTER DAY!"-marissa, Haha marissa I love it so yea Harry Potter midnight showing bitches! If your going to see it at Edwards in Anaheim Hills I will see you thare.. haha just look for the alcoholics with an innocent 15 yr old with them haha.well prolly be in the front of the line cuz were hardcore like that....