The insanity continues
I have finally made my way through season two and, it really kind of sucked. A lot of the episodes bored me, especially anything to do with Lana's new daddy plot that went away and was never mentioned again. I managed to not ff everything until I got to that. I think I'm one of the few that prefers season one, because it's just fun and there's really no kick the Chloe.
I gotta wonder why Lana was all gung ho about hooking up with Clark by the end of season two. The first time he asked her out, he took her to a bar and then danced with another girl. The second time he asked her out, he made out with Chloe LOL! And neither time did he ever offer any explanations. WE know that it was the red K, but she had nothing to go on but what she saw. And he really sucks at keeping appointments. It was nice for Chloe to speak up for Clark when he wanted the Talon job, but Lana had a great point about him ALWAYS being late and not showing up to scheduled appointments ... something required to keep a job.
In Witness Chloe gets pissed at Clark for blowing her off, again. He promised to wright and article and instead hung out with Lana. Clark's response to her anger is 'well if that's the way you feel maybe I shouldn't work at the Torch anymore'
Clark dear? Blowing people off constantly would piss off ANYONE, whether or not they were jealous of your feelings for Lana. It's a normal human reaction. Your response was completely childish and deflecting.
I both love and hate Helen. Obviously I hate her because she screws Lex over. She really screws him. He REALLY loved her. He trusted her completely and opened his heart to her. And I really hate her for doing that to him. But I enjoy the character. Maybe I just like the actress (she's my fav love interest ever on SPN) and maybe cause I think her turning out to be a gold digging tramp was pulled out of their asses, because the writers tended to write like that and it didn't fully make sense, but what else is knew.
Did Chloe really have to just pine away and be miserable ALL damn season (and into season 3-5 too) I won't complain too much though because it leads to my favorite story arc for Chloe (or any character for that matter)
I liked the Chlark in the finale because Chloe has every right to be pissed off, but I, for once, I totally get Clark. He's been majorly screwed with by his psycho AI daddy. I can't blame him for not making talking to Chloe a priority in this instance. It's a good scene when she tells him off. And I love that last scene with Lionel how they make her look all dark and bad. Allison just nails it. The only one that could truly tussel with the Luthors.
In the finale Lex and Lionel talk about what Walden said about Clark supposed to conquer, and this is just one of many holes in the whole traveler/Veritas thing. I LOATHE the Veritas story in season 7 if you didn't know, along with Julian/Grant.
Speaking of Walden, AI Jorel why would you give him powers and knowledge to kill Clark? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!
The episodes I like best are Red and Rush (cause red K Clark is always fun, except for the last time where all he did is push Chloe and make it snow for his Kandorian boyfriend)
Anyway, onto the season of Chluthoropolis!