Aug 27, 2006 00:31
There is a friending meme for almost every fandom out there, I thought it was about time Psych got it’s very own friending meme.
Favorite Character(s):
Favorite Ship(s):
Favorite Episode(s):
Fandoms other than Psych:
Remember to pimp this meme or nobody makes new friends and where is the fun in that?
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Comments 220
Age: 17 (and a senior in high school--be warned, as there will be many an entry freaking out about colleges)
Location: Land of the Politicians DC metropolitan area
Favorite Character(s): Well...pretty much everyone, actually
Favorite Ship(s): Deeply craving some Juliet femmeslash, Shawn/Gus; mostly a gen fan
Favorite Episode(s): ...I have to pick?
Fandoms other than Psych: Firefly, Buffyverse, Stargates, Doctor Who (old and new series), due South
Age: 16
Location: Central Pennsylvania
Favorite Character(s): Lassie
Favorite Ship(s): Lassiter/Shawn, the addictive slash pairing
Favorite Episode(s): Who ya gonna call or 9 Lives
Fandoms other than Psych: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Crossing Jordan, Criminal Minds, House, Torchwood (so what if it hasn't aired yet?), Prison Break, Firefly, Monk, The Dead Zone, Bones
Age: 16
Location: Georgia, USA
Favorite Character(s): Shawn, Gus
Favorite Ship(s): Shawn/Me ;), Shawn/Juliet, and Shawn/Gus.
Favorite Episode(s): Spellingg Bee
Fandoms other than Psych: CSI, CSI:NY, Gilmore Girls, House, The Office(US), Veronica Mars, Prison Break, Doctor Who(9 and 10).
The Office and Veronica Mars.
Age: 22
Location: The Land of Entrapment, also known as New Mexico
Favorite Character(s): Shawn
Favorite Ship(s): None. I have a hard time picturing any serious ships on this show.
Favorite Episode(s): Spellingg Bee
Fandoms other than Psych: Lost, Veronica Mars, BSG, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Harry Potter, Prison Break, Doctor Who (newer series), Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead LIke Me, and Arrested Development. Yeah, I even scare myself sometimes. ^^;
I'm adding you.
Name: Sarah
Age: 13 (don't act it) Oh dear, I feel so small.
Location: Upstate New York
Favorite Character(s): Shawn :D
Favorite Ship(s): Splassie (I made that name), Shawn/Gus. Really, I just love slashyness
Favorite Episode(s): 9 Lives
Fandoms other than Psych: In their special little order: Harry Potter, Monk, Scrubs, and RENT. Those are the main ones.
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