(no subject)

Sep 22, 2009 00:12

Meme stolen from missdunham

Bold which is true
section one - the basics

My middle name is my mom's maiden name
I wear glasses/contacts
I'm a redhead
I have brown eyes
My hair gets significantly lighter in the summer
My parents are married
I have one sibling
I have had braces
I've never dyed my hair
I have the cartilige of my ear pierced

section two - personal stuff
I'm currently single
I'm not a virgin
I've kissed a girl before
I've loved someone who didn't love me back before
I've had someone who I was close to die
I want to get/already have a tattoo for a dead loved one
I'm on anti-depressants
I'm on ADD medication
I used to be in worse shape than I was now mentally

section three - things I have done
been out of my country before
been on a tropical island vacation
smoked weed periodically for a lot of months
been in love
skinny dipped
got drunk on the beach at night
been in a car/bus for over 12 hours
fallen asleep with someone I cared about
taken perscription medication that wasn't perscribed to me
been in a drunken rage
seen a friend kissing someone I really liked
pierced myself
pierced something for a friend
cut myself
thrown up from drinking
thrown up from drinking in front of a parent
thrown up from drinking in front of a police officer
slept until after 5 in the afternoon

section four - things I have never done
bungee jumping
failed a class
been suspended from school
driven a truck
been to europe
been to mexico
beat someone up
been broken up
punched a wall
been to california

section five - music
I love the Beatles with a passion
I like a mix of new and old music
I've seen one of my favorite bands more than twice in concert
The scene kid movement annoys the shit out of me
I love good lyrics
I like acoustic covers of songs
I have a random taste in music.
I like good, classic rap - not the shit that comes out now.
I love Wu-Tang Clan.
I love Bob Dylan.
I love Bright Eyes.
I love Stevie Wonder.
I love Michael Jackson.

section six - loves
getting SP (what the fuck is that?)
fruity tea
sleeping late
ice cream
ice pops
a boy
my pet
curb your enthusiasm
family guy
audrey hepburn
marilyn monroe
laughing till I cry
my family
sad music
air conditioning
the christmas season

section seven - hates
waking up early
gym teachers
middle schoolers
slow drivers
dumb, annoying bitches
roller coasters
menthol cigarettes
bill o'rielly
disney channel stars
abc family movies
people who complain a lot (hell no thats me)

section eight - random
I'm good at spelling (sometimes)
I've won a spelling bee before
I don't have a lucky number
I illegally download my music
I want to be bilingual or trilingual (well i am)
I know a little bit of French (after 3 years of studying it, i know a few words)
My best friend's name begins with an R
My best friend's name begins with an A
I'm very easily irritated
I speak without thinking sometimes (sometimes! ha!)
I'm impatient
I love old movies, like from the 30's/40's/50's
I have a keyboard phone
I have my own laptop
I go on Facebook every day (almost, but i never do anything there)
I've taken a family vacation sometime within the past month
I sing along to my music
I drive fast
I have mainly European descent in my ancestry
I have freckles
I have no tattoos yet, but I plan on getting one or more.
I've had a terrible drinking experience involving Jack Daniels.
I've had a terrible drinking experience involving vodka.
I procrastinate a lot.
My sibling(s) is/are younger than me.


Which show would you rather watch, if you HAD to choose one?
a) House
b) Survivor
c) The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
d) The Hills

Which movie would you watch if you HAD to choose one?
a) The Omen
b) Lord of the Rings (didnt fuck up the movies as much as they did with HP)
c) Harry Potter
d) The Notebook

Which concert would you go to if you HAD to choose one?
a) Carrie Underwood
b) Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
c) Akon
d) Nickelback

What store would you shop at if you HAD to choose one? I dont know any of them...
a) JC Penny
b) American Eagle
c) Hot Topic
d) Macy's

If you won the lottery, who would you first call?
a) your family
b) your boyfriend/girlfriend
c) your best friend.


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