so they lost my test and sent me to the cafatiria for 3 hours....heh i dont think so ::calls home:: ::gose home:: so heh not only do i not have to take it today(will have to on friday) but i get to go home for the rest of the day heh today is great! diffanitly worth waiting for...this is why i keept wanting it to be tuseday =p its friday...and time seems to be going as slow as it posably can..just to make me mad....grrr its working....move faster! get to 3 now!meow...oh well ill get there sooner or later...i hope..mrow...bored...some one help!
mrow... If you looked at all those picutes, post this sentence in your journal along with the number amount of your favorite things equal to the number of letters in your last name.(but i dont have pics...sorry) gasque -last name...
"i'd rather have 30 minutes of something wonderful. then a lifetime of nothing special."
heh ok i like that quote alot...and if you can get where it came from who said it and what it mean..(hidden meaning kinda) then you get 2 free movies...but you have to get all the things being ask..=p so bored...
mrow...ok so dose any one want to do something the next 2 days? spend the night or anything at me(553-8159) me...or leave me a yeah....