Dork in York

May 19, 2009 15:13

Dear Online thing i write in,

This weekend i went to the mighty northern city of york. I mostly slept, ate, and hung out at the pool. But we also made time to go have a nice cuppa yorkshire tea and a scone in town, and go to the viking museum where i did bumholish things like..
the below.

So that was fun.

Anyway on an unrelated note, these are the cars i'd most want if time and money and space weren't options:
55 Chevy Belair, Nissan Figaro, 1951 Oldsmobile 'Rocket' 88, 1963 VW Beetle, nissan micra, chrysiler 300.

Oh. I'd need to learn how to drive also. I'm almost there. ALMOST. Yes yes, i know i'm 27 and its getting silly but I DID own a moped for 5years before moving to a city with exceptionally good public transport. (This is exceptionally good public transport for someone who comes from the South of England where it's crud..)

Anyway. Nothing else new. Oh apparent from those scary meetings at work the other week. I mastered them, like the queen of bullshit and lies.

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