Title: What A Wonderful Sound
msluredinPairing: Luke and Reid
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT nor it's characters, if I did, I'd take better care of them.
Author's Note: Written for Fun Fic Friday topic "Heartbeat" Unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine.
What A Wonderful Sound
January 2014
“I think we fell asleep. What time is it?” Luke whispers groggily.
“Umm…” Reid hesitates as he reads the wall clock. “1:20.”
“What?!” Instantly awake, Luke raises up and looks at the clock for confirmation. “Damn it! We’re late! We were supposed to be there twenty minutes ago!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make it in time. He’s always late.”
“Not this late. Now, get up! We gotta get dressed.”
Both men disentangle their limbs and rise from the couch. They begin to find their various pieces of clothing and dress quickly.
“I can’t believe we’re going to be late for this. I told you we didn’t have enough time.”
“Those weren’t complaints I heard you attempting not to scream as you came.” Reid said, receiving only a bitch-glare in reply before they walk out of Reid’s office.
“We’re late.”
“So you keep telling me.”
“We’re going to miss it.”
“No, we’re not. We just need to walk down one flight of stairs and then about thirty feet down the corridor. We’ll be there in minutes.”
“Ian said that it might happen today, and now, we’re going to miss it.”
“Luke,” Reid touches his shoulder, stopping him before they enter the stairwell. “Calm down. We’ll be there. I promise, we are not going to miss it. They will wait for us.”
“Okay. I'm sorry, I know I'm overreacting...It's just..."
"I know. I feel it too. You okay?"
"Yeah, let's go. We've kept them waiting long enough." Luke laughed
“Reid, wait.” Luke puts a hand over Reid’s stopping him from knocking upon the door.
“What? I thought we were in a hurry.”
“I…I need a moment.”
Reid sees the panic starting to build in Luke’s eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I just…once we go in there…everything’s going to change. It’s going to be real. Not that it’s not real now but…this…if it happens today…it will just be so…it’s really happening. And I know you think I’m freaking out and yeah I am but…it’s…”
“Luke…you’re babbling.” Reid give him a small smile and lifts a hand to caress Luke’s cheek. “It’s okay. I know this is all rather overwhelming, I’m feeling it too. But this is what we’ve been planning and waiting for this for months now. Remember we’re in this together and we’re going to be okay.”
“You’re right…Thank you.” Luke smiles and lays a soft kiss upon his lips.
Luke nods yes with a bright smile. Holding one of Luke’s hands, Reid knocks on the door.
“Yes?” A man behind the door asks.
Reid opens the door a couple of inches, “It’s Dr. Oliver and Luke.”
“Oh yes, please come in. We’ve been waiting for you.” They hear a woman’s voice filled with humor. They enter the room to see Karen Sawyer laying on the exam table, her husband, Josh was standing next to her. Dr. Ian Desmond appeared to be preparing her for tests.
Karen reaches a hand out to Luke, he takes it and she squeezes his hand lightly.
“Sorry we’re late. Lunch…umm took longer than we expected.” Luke blushes as he explains. Reid wraps his arm protectively around Luke’s shoulders.
“I’m sure it did.” Karen winks at Reid. She laughs as she turns to Luke. “Don’t worry, you’re right on time. You haven’t missed anything. We were waiting for you.”
“Okay, are we all ready?” Dr. Desmond asks. “Karen, the probe might be a bit cool on your skin.”
Dr. Desmond starts to move the probe around Karen’s still-flat belly. After a few moments a sound comes across the monitor. It’s kind of a whooh, whooh, whooh sound. Almost as if someone is quickly blowing puffs of breath onto a microphone.
“Is that…” Astonished, Luke can’t quite finish his question. Karen is beaming.
“Yes Luke, that is your baby’s heartbeat.” Dr. Desmond answers.
“Reid?” Luke nervously looks at his husband, who is staring at the monitors, concentrating on the sound of the heartbeat.
“Heart rate 154. It’s strong and steady.” Reid says softly, almost to himself. “Sounds perfect.”
He turns to face Luke and sees his own multitude of emotions reflecting in those tear-glistening brown eyes that he loves. Both men are overwhelmed by their feelings of awe, delight, excitement, apprehension, worry and even a hint of pride. In that brief moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, everything fades away and all that’s left is Luke, Reid, the sound of their child’s heartbeat and their love.
“Luke?” One whispered word spoken like a prayer.
“I know.” One tear slides down his cheek.
“I think that’s the most wonderful sound I’ve ever heard.”
“That’s our baby.”