yeah me too, but I guess thats just how it goes. All I'm saying is if people act like they care, then why does nothing but trash come out the mouth? Makes no sense to me really. Especially then they claim to love you, blah blah blah
You've honestly said NOTHING and I thought our friendship was a lil more real than words on a screen. You've yet to call me. Words on a screen mean nothing Nicole, you claim to be one of my "best friends" but I haven't seen or even felt it. So until you can actually call me, don't bother typing bs
So i can get bitched at when Im already stressed about other things so you can add onto it? I'm sorry but if I wasnt real then what were allt hose times when you wanted things and I got them with you no questions asked? No random person would do that without asking for money back. I bend over backwards just to feel like crap. But if you were a real friend you would see it wouldnt you? Go ahead Melissa Say what youre going to say, because it will affect what we are in the future. Even if we fight I dont trash talk you but you seem to do it with everyone you fight with. And seriously I'm not going to be able to deal with this fight thats why I'm not trying to contact you until you cool down. I know once I call there I'm going to get tons of shit talked. And I really dont need to hear it. If you had bothered to listen to my problems when I tried then you would know.
First off, this post was NEVER directed to you at all. So a friend does things then throws then back in your face? Thats always nice. If you haven't noticed I have NOTHING to say. And you affected the future not me, your the one that messed up. And yeah you don't trash talk me, you just talk all about my business to others. So yeah! As far as me calling you venting about whatevers going on at that time thats considered "trash talking" when you're sitting there agree'n with me? That really makes sense Nicole. But no you never talk shit bout others? You sure about that now? I was never at any level that I had to "cool down" from. And you not calling cause you're going to get tons of shit talked? What its ok for you to say how you feel but not me and expressing myself is shit talking? That's rather one sided. Plus how can I listen to anything I'm not told? The world must revolve around you & your problems, noone elses matter. But whenever you need me I'm there, you have just chosen NOT to need me, so don't throw that up either. I can
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