Student arrested and expelled for making an Counter-Strike map of his school. I... I don't have any words to describe how stupid this is. Of everybody involved in this story, the one who does not need to be smacked is the FPS-playing student.
Little-known fact about Pi #117: In college, I built CS maps. My whole fraternity was extremely addicted to the game, and since I was never any good at playing the game, I just built maps for it. Among the better ones, I built a full model of our fraternity house and maps depicting WSU's Terrell Mall and Todd Hall.
I also built a map called de_twintowers, which consisted of the lobby, roof, and top five floors of two side-by-side office towers. The terrorists would start in the lobby and go to any of several banks of elevators. The CT's started on the roof, and the goal was for the terrorists to plant a bomb at either of two bomb sites, one in each tower. This was pre-9/11, so the idea was interesting and novel, in a video-game sort of way. I had finished the map but for some texturing and fine decorating, but it was playable. I never got it quite the way I wanted, so I never distributed it.
So yeah, stories like this are why I am extremely happy I got out of the public school system before the Zero-Tolerance movement took off. I'm also glad I never released that map. I'd probably be in Gitmo by now.