You read that subject line correctly, a major credit card company actually got their customer service right. Unfortunately, the reason I had to call is their billing department got it wrong.
In New Zealand, Visa is the #1 card. About 2/3rds of the places that accept Visa accept Mastercard, and about 1/4 of the places that accept Visa or Mastercard accept American Express. I've seen, like, three places ever that accept Mastercard but not Visa.
Here, visa and mastercard are universal. If they have one, they have the other. Discover is nearly universal, but there are places that don't take it. American express is usually taken anywhere that they have discover, and a few places that they don't.
Your posts contain a much higher signal:noise ratio than, well, most of LiveJournal. Although I'm not usually much of a "Damn straight!" kind of person, I will admit to at least thinking that several times reading back in your last couple of archive pages.
Thus, I'm friending you. No need to friend me back, unless you post more frequently behind friend lock, in which case...please. :)
Comments 5
In New Zealand, Visa is the #1 card. About 2/3rds of the places that accept Visa accept Mastercard, and about 1/4 of the places that accept Visa or Mastercard accept American Express. I've seen, like, three places ever that accept Mastercard but not Visa.
Curious, no?
Thus, I'm friending you. No need to friend me back, unless you post more frequently behind friend lock, in which case...please. :)
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