I emailed Ticketmaster, explained my plight and they are actually REFUNDING me the $ for the Worcester tix. They basically said they never do this, but the fact that I ordered Madison tix made it obvious to them what had happened. I am so lucky!
Anyone else watching the train wreck that is "Being Bobby Brown"? My husband went out with his boys last night, leaving me to my own devices. So what do I do? Watch back to back to back episodes of this drivel. But I couldn't stop. WTF is wrong with those two???
I forgot to mention that I have had about 3 days in a row of very light bleeding--almost like a period. I mean, I have the typical side-effects, but very little blood--although it has "happened" every day and at multiple times. I guess I'm just hopeful this "counts" and that my doctor will tell me my body is back in order at my appointment on