Since downloads are open to the public and also cause LJ has added the feature of logging in with facebook or twitter there seems to be a lot of people lurking about my posts who does not seem to have any experience with how downloads and links are usually handled on LJ. So I will try and give you some instructions as to how I handle passwords, files, uploads etc.
After I have split my files I change the 001 extension on the first file to tat or xxx or something else to prevent the filehosts hunting them down and blocking them.
So before you are able to join them again you need to change it back to 001.
For example if you download a file called CHANGE_UR_WORLD.mpg.tat
You need to change it so it looks like this CHANGE_UR_WORLD.mpg.001
If you do not know how to rename files I suggest that you google it.
The next step you would probably take is joining the 001 002 003 00X files, that you do by using HJ-Split. It can be found
Sometimes I use Winrar to split files instead, especially if the files are big. To join the files just rightclick on the part01 file and choose “extract files”. Just like the 001 extension the rar extension in winrar splits may also have been changed, you then need to change it back.
For example COUNTDOWN_LIVE.part01.tat
Needs to be changed to COUNTDOWN_LIVE.part01.rar
Winrar can be found
Joining the files might take some time if the file is big so please be patienten.
Make sure all files are in the same location when you join, that goes for both HJ-Split and Winrar.
All files I upload are zipped with winrar and password protected.
You will have to HIGHLIGHT to see the password.
If the password does not seem to work try to check that there are no blank spaces either in the beginning or in the end of the password.
Regarding MEGA’s “Temporary error” there is not much I can do about it. That problem lies with MEGA and their servers. You can fling away a comment notifying me about it and if you’re lucky I might have the file on my computer and upload the part to a different host but don’t get your hopes up.
Lastly if you have read through this and followed the instructions and you still have some sort of trouble with a file you are more than welcome to fling away a comment asking for help.
When you do ask for help please try to be as specific as you can. Do not write “the file doesn’t work” or “I don’t understand”. Because that will just waste both your and my time.
Regarding Concert uploads I upload all concerts in video_ts folders so that you also the the menu pages.
To play the concerts just drag the WHOLE folder in to a media player window of your choice.
I recommend
VLC or