I get the feeling something bad is going to happen to John. Hussie let all the irrelevant trolls fly the coop for a reason. Vriska isn't happy with John now that he's displayed things like "a concience" and "free will", they're looking for a secret weapon in a cave, and outside LE is blasting soul-destroying lasers all over the place. Considering both prospitkid girls have been mind-controlled and it's foreshadowed that the same fate may fall on Jake, I wouldn't be suprised if hussie was gunning for a x4 incapacitation combo.
Hm, I hadn't thought of that. But dream-John at least can't be in much danger since he's still got a living form. Meenah already killed him under god-tier rules and he was fine.
But can they alchemise the ring? And why does nobody immediately think of this?
I hope they bring back Calliope, or at least try. It seems like the obvious tactic. Stick a ring on the ghost cherub, yell her name at her rampaging brother.
Well, it sounds like another juju, and in that case they could only move it around with alchemy - and if ghosts can't alchemise, not even that.
It does seem like Calliope is the obvious choice...but would bringing her back do much good when her brother's still stronger? If it only weakens him, then that could mean they have to kill her to kill him.
Comments 5
I hope they bring back Calliope, or at least try. It seems like the obvious tactic. Stick a ring on the ghost cherub, yell her name at her rampaging brother.
It does seem like Calliope is the obvious choice...but would bringing her back do much good when her brother's still stronger? If it only weakens him, then that could mean they have to kill her to kill him.
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