(no subject)

Nov 09, 2009 18:47

Hi LJ. It's been a while. I've missed you.

Last time we spoke I was smack dab in the middle of an insanely busy week and I had just come down with the flu. Since then a lot has happened, and to be honest I'm not sure where to start.

I lost about three days to fever and complete misery with the flu. Literally NOTHING happened. Sadly, there were still school assignments and sewing projects and Norwescon work piling up during that time. As soon as I started feeling well enough to function again, I focussed on the school work. (Thankfully that only takes brain energy, not body energy, because I was still very ill for at least a week.)

On Sunday, 11/1 all the stars finally aligned and we bought a car. It's a 2005 Saturn Vue, in a very bright blue. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles that could come with that car, but it certainly has more bells and whistles than any other car I've ever owned. (We usually go for the most stock model available, fancy doodads are just one more thing to break down and need to pay to repair.) Sun roof! Power windows! Heated seats! Holy moly! We got what I think is a very reasonable price for it from a family who has recently moved to to Australia, and were the only prior owners. It even came with glitter in the carpets, so you know it was meant to belong to us. :0)

The wedding dress I was working on got finished just in time for the event. I just saw a couple photos of the wedding pop up on facebook, and I do have to say that it turned out very well. I ended up really behind the curve on getting it finished because of being sick. I would have liked to have had a couple more fittings between sewing sessions. However, the mockup fit her perfectly and the final product came together just right, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.

Sadly, the thing that got pushed furthest to the end of the priority list was Norwescon work. I'm still pretty behind, but not so much that I won't catch up in time for this Saturday's meeting. I might have to actually use the budget for copies this month, though. Last month I was ready early enough in the week to spread some free copies around at the school and the library, etcetera so that I could save the convention some money. This month I'm more likely to need to do the printing all at once, so I'll be heading to Kinko's on Friday. Ah well, that's what I'm EXPECTED to do, I just really felt good about going that extra step last month. I can't ALWAYS be perfect, right? :0p (This is VERY tongue in cheek, since I've made PLENTY of errors in this position so far.)

What else? Halloween came and went. I was well enough to think I wasn't exposing folks to my contagion, so I went to a party at Dan'l and Alisa's and then out to the Mercury with Alton and Sika. I paid heavily for it the next day, despite imbibing solely in cold meds and cola (whoo! special treat!) the night before. I really WASN'T well enough to be out on the town, but my favorite holiday only comes once a year. Live it up, I say! I loved seeing the literal parade of costumes on Broadway around 10 p.m. :p

I got pretty good grades on my midterms (which happened the two days before I gave in to the sick). The one that I struggled with the most, I got 82 out of 100. However, the teacher said that everyone struggled mightily with the test, so she bumped my grade (the highest score) up to 100% and then let everyone else's grades cascade from there. She said that I still was the only A, even after doing that, so you know that test was incredibly difficult. Phew.

Anyhow, that's what I've got for an update. Still struggling to keep my head above water on the homework, and feeling a bit behind on NWC, but I'll make it.

How are all y'all faring these days? I've been poking in here to read a bit, but have rarely commented. Anything great happen that you want to point me at? Anything disheartening I should know about? Missed you all...
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