This one's tough for me, so bear with me, folks.
After talking with a counselor, and a psychiatrist, I'm trying Strattera. It's a new drug that's an alternative to Ritalin.
I've had friends and family suggest that I might have ADD for a while. It's a suggestion that's always - well, honestly, it made me angry. I've always felt like the hyperkinetic and the creative aspects of my personality were joined together, and that suppressing one would suppress a lot of the parts of me that I genuinely like. I still do. I'm terrified that I might kill Zottiare L'Encroyable - or the part of me that spawned him - this way.
But I've got a wife and a kid to take care of now, and I really need to face up to the fact that I've gone through jobs like bubblegum over the years. I need to have some more stability in my life, for their sake. And after trying everything that I can think of, it's time to look for help. And apparently, drugs are a part of that.
At least I've got something other than Ritalin to try. Ritalin, to be blunt, terrifies me more than anything else. Taking a habit-forming stimulant to get "better" makes no sense at all.
Maybe this will be good for me. It's a vitamin. I'll lie to myself and try calling it that, and see how things change over the next month. It's going to be several weeks before it builds up in my system enough to "work" (you know, like mercury or arsenic).
To say that I'm ambivelent about this is an understatement. But I owe it to myslef to at least try it, and give it an honest effort.
I'll let you know how it goes...