Mutual It Is

Sep 29, 2011 23:40

Title: Mutual It Is
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG-13 or rather, T.
Warning: UNBETA-ED
Recipient: Mae noted during Hogsmeade Fic-Gifting activity.

Warm morning sunlight fills his room, chasing away the darkness and coldness from the morning civil twilight.

It is a Saturday morning; students sleep in, for there are no classes. But he does not, because he couldn’t. He sits up against his headboard. Quietly, he draws up the curtains around his bed. He is not ready for his friends to know this secret of his. Hell, he couldn’t let them know.

He carries it around in the day and hides it in the night for safekeeping. He pulls out a photograph he hides in his pillow case. It was from the Daily Prophet, taken some time ago at the end of the War. A soft smile graces his features as he stares at the two person in the photograph moving animatedly, repeating the same motion all over again. Despite that, Draco never gets bored from staring at it. The photograph first shows Harry, standing beside him outside the Ministry after his family’s Wizengamot trial. He was protecting Draco from the reporters who were lying in ambush for them. Harry’s hand touches his back and as Draco turns back to look at him, he gives a comforting smile towards Draco to give him some sort of reassurance that everything will be fine from now on. Draco hesitates but gives a small smile in return and breaks away from the eye contact that is causing his heart to beat twice as fast per normal. The photo then halts and repeats all over again. Since that day, Draco knew that he was in love with him, but when it had all started, he had no idea. He frowns and sighs, this-whatever this is he feels for Harry would not happen as he is sure that the feelings are not mutual.

He walks into his bathroom and gets dressed; black pants and a light grey cashmere sweater. He styles his hair-just a little and leaves his common room to the Great Hall for his favourite: a cup of Earl Grey tea and-and hopefully start the day right.

He enters the Great Hall, looking over to the Gryffindor table first as he does every single day. He looks down and steps toward the Slytherin table, looking up as he felt someone’s eyes on him. He stops in his footsteps and stares at the person, eyes widening. What the hell is Harry Potter up so early in the morning and sitting at his House table?

Seconds pass before he walks backwards to the door, wanting to escape. "Malfoy!” He heard his name being called and he breaks into a run.


He ran past two corridors and he can still hear Harry’s footsteps. “Stop! Draco!” Harry grabs Draco’s arm and pulls him around, eyes wide.

“You idiot, why are you running away from me?” Harry asks, fingers pressing into his arm. Harry could feel Draco shaking slightly. “You okay?”

Draco could only nod his head in reply. Harry sighs. “I’ve been waiting all this time for you to say something. But you never did…” Draco bites his tongue to stop himself from asking questions. He lets Harry continue what he wants to say. “…We would be leaving tomorrow and I don’t know if I would be able to see you. Draco,” Harry confesses softly as he look into the pair of silvery grey eyes. “I…I love you.”

Draco lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. What was he expecting? Of all the things he can imagine Harry saying to him, this is not one of them. “What?” He says dumbly.

“I said I love you, you idiot. If my words don’t reach you, I’m sure this will.” Harry pushes Draco to the wall and kisses him chastely on his lips. “Do you understand now?”

Draco blinks and before he replies him, Harry swops down for a deeper kiss this time. Draco opens his mouth slightly to allow Harry’s tongue in. With a hand supporting Draco’s head, Harry tilts his head more to the side to avoid smashing of noses as their tongues meet. A thin strand of saliva connecting both of their mouths snaps as they pull apart. Draco flushes at it while Harry grins at him.

“The feelings are mutual, then.” Draco whispers.

TBC, maybe.

!character: draco malfoy, harry potter, !character: harry potter, fic: mutual it is

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