Remember The Dead
(1st Place in
lostfichallenge #51: In Loving Memory)
Rating: PG
Warning: Mid-season 3 deaths (does that count?)
Word count: 121
Author's notes: I wasn't going to enter this challenge, but this just came. Not my fault!
Disclaimer: This is a fictional, nonprofit work for entertainment purpose only. The copyright in the TV show LOST and its components is owned by "American Broadcast Companies, Inc.", which reserves all rights therein.
Nobody remembers Joanna.
Sure enough, people still talk about that guy with the broken leg. Hurley is always visiting his girlfriend's grave. Sayid is just the same.
People talk in hushed tones about Ethan - they'd rather not to, but they still remember him. And the chicana, when she herself had always made it clear that she didn't want anybody coming too close. They talk about Eko, how he seemed to vanish into the Island one day. They even talk about Doctor Arzt ("Doctor Leslie Uninteresting Arzt", people used to say before), because everybody remembers you when you blow yourself up.
But nobody remembers Joanna.
When the world gets dark, all Paulo can think of is whether anyone will remember him.