Ehhhh, why not?

Jun 07, 2005 05:57

Wasting time is fun!

( ) snuck out of the house

( X ) gotten lost in your city

( X ) saw a shooting star

( X ) been to any other countries besides the united states

( ) had a serious surgery ---> does getting a bunch of teeth pulled count?

( X ) gone out in public in your pajamas

( ) kissed a stranger

( ) hugged a stranger

( X ) been in a fist fight

( ) been arrested

( ) done drugs

( X ) had alcohol

( X ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose

( ) pushed all the buttons on an elevator --->why did I never think of doing that??

( ) made out in an elevator

( X ) swore at your parents

( X ) kicked a guy where it hurts -->Accidently. My brother moved at the wrong moment. But he's my brother, it probably didn't hurt him :P

( X ) been in love -->I think so...

( X ) had a member of the opposite sex tell you they love you

( X ) told a member of the opposite sex that you loved them

( X ) been close to love

( X ) been to a casino

( ) been skydiving

( ) broken a bone

( ) skinny-dipped

( X ) skipped school

( ) flashed someone

( ) saw a therapist

( X ) played spin the bottle

( ) gotten stitches

( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour

( X ) bitten someone

( ) been to Niagara Falls

( X ) gotten the chicken pox

( ) kissed a member of the opposite sex

( ) kissed a member of the same sex

( ) crashed into a friend's car

( ) been to Japan

( X ) ridden in a taxi

( ) been dumped

( X ) shoplifted -->It was just some candy though...

( ) been fired

( X ) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back

( X ) stole something from your job --> Considering I worked at my dad and his partner's place...

( ) gone on a blind date

( X ) lied to a friend

( X ) had a crush on a teacher

( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans

( X ) been to Europe --> WOOO!!!

( ) slept with a co-worker

( ) been married

( ) dated a red head

( ) dated a blonde

( X ) dated a brunette --> I think. What color is his hair??? I'd say dark blonde, but I'm the only one to think that.

( ) gotten divorced

( ) had children

( ) saw someone die

( ) been to Africa

( X ) Driven over 400 miles in one day

( ) Been to Canada

( ) Been to Mexico --> I'm going this summer though.

( X ) Been on a plane

( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show --> Want to.

( ) Thrown up in a bar

( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire --> No, but played with fire many times.

( X ) Eaten Sushi -->It was gross.

( X ) Been snowboarding

( ) Met someone in person from the internet

( ) Been to a moto cross show

( ) lost a child

( X ) gone to college

( ) graduated college

( ) done hard drugs

( ) gotten electrocuted

( ) tried killing yourself

( X ) taken painkillers

( X ) love someone or miss someone right now

( ) run at least 12 miles a day

( X ) play(ed) an instrument

( ) have been on the computer for 16 hours straight without a break

( X ) stood up for a so-called "loser" kid in school

( X ) at one time collected pokemon

( X ) played with pollypocket

( ) had a gigapet --> Do Tamagachis count?

( X ) seen yourself naked

( ) rolled down a hill in a barrel

name: Jasmine
single or taken: Taken
sex: Female
bday: Jan. 16, 1989
sign: Errr...the goat one I think. I forgot which. Capricorn?
siblings: 3 younger siblings (2 sisters, one brother, unless you consider the brother a girl)
hair color: Dark brown
eye color: Hazelish.
shoe size: Big. 9 or something.
height: Tall. 5'5" or 5'6"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yep. He's a pastry.

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop: Er. Stores, malls. And supermarkets with candy.
any tattoos or piercings: Ears (pierced. Not tattoos. I hope.)

s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: No... but thanks to my health teacher, I know exactly which to take.
what kind of shampoo do you use?: Whatever 99-cents store shampoo I have at the moment.
what are you most scared of?: I don't know. Being hated by everyone or being completely alone in the world.
what are you listening to right now?: Nothing. (I was about to say the sounds of silence, but that's actually a song)

who is the last person that called you?: Jacob, I think.
where do you want to get married?: Israel.
how many buddies are online right now?: I'm not signed on, but I doubt many. It's 6 in the morning now. I set my alarm too early accidently.

what would you change about yourself? I dunno... maybe my lineage and ensure the fact I have a rich uncle who I am heir to... :P

f a v o r i t e s
color: Depends for what.
food: Lots of food. HUGE list. But chocolate is on there somewhere.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: My siblings. And a few teachers.
slap: My siblings.
look like: My parents and siblings :P Though in elementary school everyone kept saying I looked like Posh from the Spice Girls, because I had my hair in that style.
talk to offline: I dunno. Not my siblings.
talk to online: Same answer. Unfortunately, my siblings discovered IM. Though talking to my cousin in New York is fun.

r a n d o m
in the morning i: Don't want to go to school.
all i you need is: Love! (to be sung)
love is: I have NO idea.
i dream about: The most random psychotic things possible.

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I know: Nothing really.
I want: Errr...a lot. I'm a greedy person.
I have: Stuff. Lots.

I wish: (I can't tell, can I? Or it won't come true)
I hate: My siblings.
I fear: Er. Worms, leeches and failing people. And what I mentioned in the answer above for what are you scared of somewhere.

I search: for ultimate revenge! MWAHAHAHAHA! (...I have no idea why I just wrote that.)
I wonder: many, many things...
I regret: er. Lots of stuff. For one thing, some of the answers I wrote on my history test yesterday. Oh, and not pushing my brother off the Empire State Building when I had the chance.
I love loathe: My siblings. (I'm trying to make a point here. My siblings have the mistaken view I love them.)

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