Tonight was good, watched 4 bands play two of which caught my attention. The first band was "Victory 33" good stuff they had going the vocalist sounded alot like "Pennywise" cute to heh ^.^
The other two bands that followed I really didn't like. The second band their basist was killing them bad, poor guys. The third band their vocalist was boring I felt sleepy while listening to them.
Fourth band "Man On Fire" brought it home they kicked ass they didn't close the show BUT they had a mosh pit going on, something the other bands could NOT do with the crowd. It's funny cuz before they went up I got a chance to shake the guitarist hand, his your regular guy you wouldn't think he plays the guitar. Then all of a sudden I see him on stage I was like "OOOOOOOHHHH WHAAAAAT?!" Chuck is his name and his 40 years old but he don't look it. I got to meet his wife and little girl who was so cute rocking out all the way infront to her daddy's guitar. I didn't notice it when he was up close but when he was on stage I was like "Why does he look like jEeBuS?" rofl.
What's more trippy is that later on I find out that all these bands are CHRISTIANS!!! Scandulous right, they didn't look it or act like it cuz I even saw some that were pounding on the beers pretty good. But then it made sense cuz the moment I walked into the theatre I had a funny feeling that scarry tingly sensation.. I was like thinking to myself 'Why is there no one cussing?' Then right before "Man On Fire" goes up, the pastor gets on stage which he so did NOT look like one. HOLY TOLIDO BATMAN!!! O.o But there was no preaching though which was good cuz I would have ran for my life if they had. Just people having a good time with some good old metal so I had lots of fun ^.^
Great night Hendrix had a blast he was rocking out the whole time yea we had to lie about his age to get him in lol but it was worth it he loved it.
Ok I'm tierd time for beddy bye bye ^.^ nitey guys.