Pack 1:
Peppersmoke, Paperfin Rascal, Nath's Elite, Moonglove Extract, Boggart Sprite-Chaser, Oaken Brawler, Nath's Buffoon, Faultgrinder, Rootgrapple, Goldmeadow Dodger, Wings of Velis Vel, Shriekmaw, Incremental Growth, Faerie Tauntings, Dauntless Dourbark
Pick: Shriekmaw
Pack 2:
Lys Alana Huntmaster, Runed Stalactite, Inner-Flame Acolyte, Neck Snap, Pestermite, Leaf Gilder, Boggart Sprite-Chaser, Giant's Ire, Lairwatch Giant, Spellstutter Sprite, Spiderwig Boggart, Tar Pitcher, Briarhorn, Captivating Glance
Pick: Briarhorn
Pack 3:
Leaf Gilder, Adder-Staff Boggart, Wispmare, Streambed Aquitects, Consuming Bonfire, Boggart Loggers, Cenn's Heir, Ringskipper, Black Poplar Shaman, Shimmering Grotto, Elvish Eulogist, Nectar Faerie, Heat Shimmer
Pick: Leaf Gilder
Pack 4:
Smokebraider, Fertile Ground, Moonglove Winnower, Plover Knights, Whirlpool Whelm, Flamekin Brawler, Facevaulter, Warren-Scourge Elf, Blades of Velis Vel, Cloudgoat Ranger, Inner-Flame Igniter, Ego Erasure
Pick: Cloudgoat Ranger
Pack 5:
Boggart Sprite-Chaser, Thieving Sprite, Kinsbaile Balloonist, Boggart Loggers, Adder-Staff Boggart, Broken Ambitions, Nath's Buffoon, Faultgrinder, Rootgrapple, Goldmeadow Dodger, Treefolk Harbinger
Pick: Kinsbaile Balloonist
Pack 6:
Wispmare, Thieving Sprite, Gilt-Leaf Ambush, Hillcomber Giant, Stinkdrinker Daredevil, Elvish Eulogist, Giant's Ire, Lairwatch Giant, Spellstutter Sprite, Prowess of the Fair
Pick: Gilt-Leaf Ambush
Pack 7:
Oaken Brawler, Hurly-Burly, Peppersmoke, Consuming Bonfire, Blades of Velis Vel, Cenn's Heir, Ringskipper, Black Poplar Shaman, Shimmering Grotto
Pick: Shimmering Grotto
Pack 8:
Fertile Ground, Hillcomber Giant, Stinkdrinker Daredevil, Battlewand Oak, Wings of Velis Vel, Flamekin Brawler, Facevaulter, Warren-Scourge Elf
Pick: Fertile Ground
Pack 9:
Nath's Elite, Oaken Brawler, Nath's Buffoon, Faultgrinder, Rootgrapple, Goldmeadow Dodger, Faerie Tauntings
Pick: Nath's Elite
Pack 10:
Runed Stalactite, Giant's Ire, Lairwatch Giant, Spellstutter Sprite, Spiderwig Boggart, Captivating Glance
Pick: Runed Stalactite
Pack 11:
Adder-Staff Boggart, Wispmare, Cenn's Heir, Ringskipper, Elvish Eulogist
Pick: Cenn's Heir
Pack 12:
Flamekin Brawler, Facevaulter, Blades of Velis Vel, Ego Erasure
Pick: Blades of Velis Vel
Pack 13:
Thieving Sprite, Nath's Buffoon, Goldmeadow Dodger
Pick: Nath's Buffoon
Pack 14:
Giant's Ire, Prowess of the Fair
Pick: Giant's Ire
Pack 15:
Oaken Brawler
Pick: Oaken Brawler
Pack 16:
Hornet Harasser, Deeptread Merrow, Goldmeadow Harrier, Fistful of Force, Soulbright Flamekin, Kinsbaile Skirmisher, Spring Cleaning, Blind-Spot Giant, Wellgabber Apothecary, Gilt-Leaf Seer, Ego Erasure, Veteran of the Depths, Fodder Launch, Jace Beleren, Aethersnipe
Pick: Goldmeadow Harrier
Pack 17:
Mudbutton Torchrunner, Springleaf Drum, Oakgnarl Warrior, Goldmeadow Harrier, Glimmerdust Nap, Warren Pilferers, Zephyr Net, Bog Hoodlums, Judge of Currents, Inkfathom Divers, Needle Drop, Kithkin Mourncaller, Hearthcage Giant, Squeaking Pie Sneak
Pick: Warren Pilferers
Pack 18:
Wanderer's Twig, Silvergill Douser, Avian Changeling, Bog-Strider Ash, Eyeblight's Ending, Blind-Spot Giant, Wellgabber Apothecary, Gilt-Leaf Seer, Boggart Birth Rite, Crib Swap, Vivid Crag, Changeling Hero, Incandescent Soulstoke
Pick: Crib Swap
Pack 19:
Soulbright Flamekin, Kithkin Daggerdare, Surge of Thoughtweft, Weed Strangle, Mudbutton Torchrunner, Woodland Changeling, Soaring Hope, Elvish Branchbender, Wellgabber Apothecary, Aquitect's Will, Crib Swap, Vivid Meadow
Pick: Crib Swap
Pack 20:
Axegrinder Giant, Lignify, Quill-Slinger Boggart, Lace with Moonglove, Scarred Vinebreeder, Springjack Knight, Ponder, Bog Hoodlums, Boggart Shenanigans, Familiar's Ruse, Silvergill Adept
Pick: Lignify
Pack 21:
Springleaf Drum, Kithkin Healer, Lignify, Mournwhelk, Zephyr Net, Scarred Vinebreeder, Gilt-Leaf Seer, Protective Bubble, Rebellion of the Flamekin, Sentry Oak
Pick: Sentry Oak
Pack 22:
Tarfire, Herbal Poultice, Kithkin Greatheart, Oakgnarl Warrior, Protective Bubble, Aquitect's Will, Hunter of Eyeblights, Woodland Guidance, Wren's Run Vanquisher
Pick: Wren's Run Vanquisher
Pack 23:
Quill-Slinger Boggart, Herbal Poultice, Kithkin Greatheart, Ingot Chewer, Exiled Boggart, Battle Mastery, Lys Alana Scarblade, Flamekin Brawler
Pick: Kithkin Greatheart
Pack 24:
Hornet Harasser, Soulbright Flamekin, Kinsbaile Skirmisher, Spring Cleaning, Wellgabber Apothecary, Ego Erasure, Veteran of the Depths
Pick: Veteran of the Depths
Pack 25:
Springleaf Drum, Glimmerdust Nap, Zephyr Net, Bog Hoodlums, Judge of Currents, Needle Drop
Pick: Springleaf Drum
Pack 26:
Wanderer's Twig, Avian Changeling, Wellgabber Apothecary, Gilt-Leaf Seer, Boggart Birth Rite
Pick: Avian Changeling
Pack 27:
Surge of Thoughtweft, Soaring Hope, Wellgabber Apothecary, Aquitect's Will
Pick: Surge of Thoughtweft
Pack 28:
Springjack Knight, Bog Hoodlums, Boggart Shenanigans
Pick: Springjack Knight
Pack 29:
Zephyr Net, Protective Bubble
Pick: Protective Bubble
Pack 30:
Herbal Poultice
Pick: Herbal Poultice
Pack 31:
Brighthearth Banneret, Squeaking Pie Grubfellows, Reins of the Vinesteed, Burrenton Bombardier, Distant Melody, Game-Trail Changeling, Mothdust Changeling, Blightsoil Druid, Forfend, Mudbutton Clanger, Deglamer, Swell of Courage, Inspired Sprite, Revive the Fallen, Mutavault
Pick: Mutavault
Pack 32:
Earthbrawn, Order of the Golden Cricket, Disperse, Ambassador Oak, Kithkin Zephyrnaut, Coordinated Barrage, Negate, Bosk Banneret, Prickly Boggart, Stingmoggie, Hunting Triad, Thieves' Fortune, Thornbite Staff, Battletide Alchemist
Pick: Hunting Triad
Pack 33:
Fire Juggler, Weed-Pruner Poplar, War-Spike Changeling, Violet Pall, Distant Melody, Fertilid, Ballyrush Banneret, Roar of the Crowd, Luminescent Rain, Ink Dissolver, Frogtosser Banneret, Orchard Warden, Veteran's Armaments
Pick: Violet Pall
Pack 34:
Burrenton Shield-Bearers, Shard Volley, Elvish Warrior, Dewdrop Spy, Kithkin Zephyrnaut, Kindled Fury, Lys Alana Bowmaster, Mosquito Guard, Nevermaker, Noggin Whack, Graceful Reprieve, Greatbow Doyen
Pick: Lys Alana Bowmaster
Pack 35:
Weight of Conscience, Squeaking Pie Grubfellows, Fencer Clique, Changeling Sentinel, Roar of the Crowd, Everbark Shaman, Shinewend, Merrow Witsniper, Morsel Theft, Wandering Graybeard, Recross the Paths
Pick: Weight of Conscience
Pack 36:
Shard Volley, Changeling Sentinel, Pack's Disdain, Seething Pathblazer, Festercreep, Deglamer, Forfend, Floodchaser, Cenn's Tactician, Walker of the Grove
Pick: Cenn's Tactician
Pack 37:
Sunflare Shaman, Weed-Pruner Poplar, Stream of Unconsciousness, Burrenton Shield-Bearers, Ink Dissolver, Coordinated Barrage, Merrow Witsniper, Kindled Fury, Nightshade Schemers
Pick: Coordinated Barrage
Pack 38:
Elvish Warrior, Ballyrush Banneret, Stream of Unconsciousness, Final-Sting Faerie, Bosk Banneret, Stonybrook Schoolmaster, Pulling Teeth, Daily Regimen
Pick: Elvish Warrior
Pack 39:
Squeaking Pie Grubfellows, Reins of the Vinesteed, Mothdust Changeling, Blightsoil Druid, Forfend, Mudbutton Clanger, Deglamer
Pick: Mothdust Changeling
Pack 40:
Order of the Golden Cricket, Disperse, Kithkin Zephyrnaut, Coordinated Barrage, Negate, Thieves' Fortune
Pick: Order of the Golden Cricket
Pack 41:
Fire Juggler, Ballyrush Banneret, Luminescent Rain, Ink Dissolver, Frogtosser Banneret
Pick: Ballyrush Banneret
Pack 42:
Burrenton Shield-Bearers, Kindled Fury, Noggin Whack, Graceful Reprieve
Pick: Graceful Reprieve
Pack 43:
Shinewend, Merrow Witsniper, Recross the Paths
Pick: Shinewend
Pack 44:
Deglamer, Forfend
Pick: Deglamer
Pack 45:
Burrenton Shield-Bearers
Pick: Burrenton Shield-Bearers
Final Decklist:
1 Goldmeadow Harrier
1 Cenn's Tactician
1 Kithkin Greatheart
1 Leaf Gilder
1 Wren's Run Vanquisher
1 Order of the Golden Cricket
1 Avian Changeling
1 Lys Alana Bowmaster
1 Briarhorn
1 Kinsbaile Balloonist
1 Cloudgoat Ranger
1 Nath's Elite
1 Shriekmaw
1 Warren Pilferers
7 Plains
6 Forest
2 Swamp
1 Shimmering Grotto
1 Mutavault
1 Runed Stalactite
1 Coordinated Barrage
1 Fertile Ground
1 Surge of Thoughtweft
1 Weight of Conscience
2 Crib Swap
1 Hunting Triad
1 Violet Pall
1 Ballyrush Banneret
1 Blades of Velis Vel
1 Burrenton Shield-Bearers
1 Cenn's Heir
1 Deglamer
1 Elvish Warrior
1 Giant's Ire
1 Gilt-Leaf Ambush
1 Graceful Reprieve
1 Herbal Poultice
1 Lignify
1 Mothdust Changeling
1 Nath's Buffoon
1 Oaken Brawler
2 Plains
1 Protective Bubble
1 Sentry Oak
1 Shinewend
1 Springjack Knight
1 Springleaf Drum
3 Swamp
1 Veteran of the Depths
Draft recording done by
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I almost played all the extra Kithkin, but decided against it at the last second.
R1 - Played against U/W. G1 The Surge I passed almost came back to haunt me. His Aethersnipe got huge, but Nath's Elite + Triad won it while the tapper kept the snipe down. G2 - He had a really fast Kithkin draw, and the Cleric damage prevention guy won the race. G3 - Vanquisher then Archer took over the game. His Snipe bought him a little time, but Cloudgoat won it.
R2 - RB jank. G1 - Started smashing him as he had a slow draw. Then he goes 4 for 2 with red command. He's at low life though, but he blew up my Mutavault and I had a bunch of 5cc stuff in hand and then played a few dorks to win. G2 - He played a bunch of dorks with no tribe, and I smashed him. G3 - Same thing pretty much. Briarhorn is good.
R3 - Trees. G1 - He has Dourbark that's huge, but he's not attacking, and letting me back into it. I finally Crib Swap it, and he's not attacking well. I get back into it with a Greatheart and Stalagtite, but he has Revive the Fallen and uses it three times before it goes away. All the cards and his Dread wins it. G2 - I get the super fast Kithkin draw and smash him after he mulls. G3 - Server problems. He doesn't come back. I'll take the extra pack.