There was an LJ strike? I saw someone post about it, then I saw a link to the post that talked about it... and I still can't figure out what it was for or what it was supposed to accomplish.
can't figure out what it was for or what it was supposed to accomplish. The words "not much" come to mind... Okay, that was potentially inflammatory to some. Basically what it boils down to is that some people are pissed off about LJ's new business decisions, including the dissolution of the 'basic' account level for new users, and the (brief) censoring of interests such as bisexuality, sex, etc... But, I don't really know that these types of strikes really work.
wow. I'm totally out of it. I didn't see anything mention that they were dissolving basic accunts, or changing policies, etc. I bought a paid account a while ago, but found it wasn't worth it for me, so went back to a free one, and that's what I have now...
Comments 2
The words "not much" come to mind...
Okay, that was potentially inflammatory to some. Basically what it boils down to is that some people are pissed off about LJ's new business decisions, including the dissolution of the 'basic' account level for new users, and the (brief) censoring of interests such as bisexuality, sex, etc...
But, I don't really know that these types of strikes really work.
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