Rain Tutorial...

Mar 23, 2006 17:43

Tutorial time...

This my first tutorial EVER so tell me what you think. I used Photoshop CS so it should be fine for most other graphics programs. It's not that hard.

We are making this icon from this image that I got here. It won first place here at ff_eye_candy

I suggest you use your own image and try it out. Remember that eventhough this is written step by step it is only a guide. Things made need to be tweeked depending on the image.

If you use this to make other icons and plan to post them anywhere please credit mubee and comment that you are doing so. I'd really appreciate it.

Step 1: I cropped the image. I knew I wanted Yuna on the right so I could use some of the background. Be careful how you crop it because cropping can make or break an icon. (Sorry for the cliche...but it's soooooo true.)

This is what I got:

Step 2: I duplicated the layer two times so that I had a total of three layers.

The topmost layer set to hard light and the second layer to softlight. The bottom layer leave normal, but desaturate it. Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.

You should have this now:

Step 3: I used these two gradients curtosy of 77words.

Gradient 1:
Gradient 2:

Set the first to soft light and the second to colour burn.

Your icon should look like this:

Step 4: Now I used a levels to change the darkness and lightness.

Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels.

Type in from left to right in the boxes: 29, 0.57, and 238.

Like this:

Step 5: Next I added a layer that was completely white and set it to soft light. On top of that I used this lightt texture from anais_dirge.

Light texture:

Set it to screen.

You should have this:

Step 6: This last stuff is just the text and border.

The Border:
-use the 3px pencil to make a white border around the complete icon.
-use the 1px brush to make a dark border only the outermost line of the 3px border.
-use the marquee tool to select a rectanlge. Mine is 9 px in height and 29 px from the bottom of the icon.
-colour the selected area in white.
-then drag these two layers beneath the gradients.

The Text:
-spell out "NOTHING LIKE THE RAIN," in capitol letters using Minion at size 6. The width between the letters was set at 200.
-spell out "only without you," in lowercase latters using Porcelain at size 6. The width is the same.

This should be your result:

I hope it is easy enough to understand. If you are confused by part of it, just comment and I'll try ot clear eveything up.

Please try it and show me what you came up with!!

Sad self promotion: While you are here, take a look:
ffx_songstress **A FFX and FFX-2 lyrical icon callenge with an extra theme. Currently on Week 5.
albhed_awards **An icon challenge dedicated to the Al Bhed. Things will get creative when challenges start. Please join so I can get enough memebers to start off the first week!!

Both are in need of memebers and affiliates.
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