LJI S9.1, Jayus

Mar 15, 2014 19:12

Most kids don't usually look forward to getting braces. The process is guaranteed to be painful, takes place in an over-reclined chair which probably wouldn't have been out of place at a party thrown by the Marquis de Sade, and inevitably involves multiple individuals sticking gloved fingers and metal instruments in your mouth. Even if you're ( Read more... )

lj idol, lizbeth, sarah, amanda

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Comments 66

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muchtooarrogant March 16 2014, 02:11:00 UTC
Preventing the inappropriate display of clavicles, one encounter at a time. *grin*

Thanks for reading and commenting.



solstice_singer March 16 2014, 00:49:26 UTC
I loved this! A definite vote from me when the polls go up.


muchtooarrogant March 16 2014, 02:02:28 UTC
Thank you, I'm very glad you enjoyed it! :)



kickthehobbit March 16 2014, 01:35:14 UTC
I lost it at clavage. What can I say, I'm a sucker for good (bad?) puns. :3


muchtooarrogant March 16 2014, 02:03:57 UTC
That's me, indulging in the "lowest form of humor!" *grin*

Thanks for reading and commenting.



kickthehobbit March 17 2014, 01:44:35 UTC
puns are fantastic though. :3


muchtooarrogant March 17 2014, 02:56:20 UTC
Well, for word geeks like us, sure. :)



similiesslip March 16 2014, 03:20:54 UTC
You're a great dad. Parenting takes a sense of humor :) Thanks for sharing this story!


muchtooarrogant March 16 2014, 15:36:55 UTC
Thank you! Being a great dad isn't hard when you have great kids and an excellent partner. :)



kagomeshuko March 16 2014, 03:43:27 UTC
So, are you the one that added "clavage" to Urban Dictionary?

If French, though, a Wiki article translated tells me it is "The first direction is the establishment of the key to a vault or arch formed keystones, that is to say, cut stones shaped corners. The key is the ridge forming the keystone of the arch or arc."


muchtooarrogant March 16 2014, 15:39:02 UTC
Urban Dictionary? LOL Nope, I didn't even think of that, but I will go look now to see what their version of the word looks like. I like the French one too.

Thanks for reading and commenting.



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