Welcome Post!

Aug 28, 2009 21:21

Welcome to mudh0ney!

Q: What's a Mudh0ney?
A: A freebie graphics community owned and
operated by ech0ed_silence. Mudhoney is also a Seattle Gunge Band
that formed in 1988; whom I happen to really dig. ♥

Q: What will I find here?
A: Freebies,blinkies,icons,profile layouts,Banners,and More!

Q: How do I become a Member?
A: Read userinfo,apply for membership,
leave a comment here with the secret phrase as the subject line to
assure you've read,understand and are agreeing to my Terms.

Thank you for your interest in my community,I hope to see
you inside! I will also have Public examples coming soon.
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