Ok. So. Here's something original. It's a little sparse as I was planning on going back in and dumping some six string riffs into it, but I decided to forego that and just deal with what I had.
I call this "
Fleeting Thought".
Lyrics under here... )
Comments 10
1. When asked "who is this?" by one of the same sex as yourself, you must respond, "This really hot guy who lives not too far from here who seems to get his heart crushed all the time by anyone he gives it to. I was just thinking of visiting him for a bit, want to come?"
2. If asked for a picture of me, you have to show them in quick succession pictures of Johnny Cash, David Bowie ala Ziggy Stardust, Samuel L. Jackson, Heath Ledger, Jerry Garcia, Bjork, and a sunset.
3. Visit me for more porch goodness (which, owing to present circumstances, no longer require the actual presence of a back porch).
2. I can definitely do that
3. I can partially do that. I get tested for porch goodness now :( BUT, I can hang out with you on the porch (or said space that will replace the porch) while you enjoy the porch goodness :)
well i didn't make it out to the pub last night. i slept on through (as the reason for an 8 AM LJ post:)) I think Byron did though for awhile. We're mostly a late crew. We'll come down around 12:30 or so and stay until close. We're a couple of night owls.
anyway, hope you had a pleasant evening. i'm hoping to get into something tonight. we'll see.
talk soon,
oh yeah, i'm adding you as a friend. hope you don't mind.
Er... it gets a little dark in here sometimes, but stick with me for the ride.
Glad you liked the song :).
i'm not afraid of the dark.
Maybe instead I'll post this thing I've been fucking around with for about 15 years called "I don't care". Ha. Can you believe I can still play that ;)?
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