(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 22:54

Moral of the story: I love cats even though I'm allergic.  LURVE!
LJ Interests meme results
  1. books:
    I love being in book stores... just like being home.
  2. classical music:
    A lot hate it, but it calms me.
  3. egypt:
    I want to see the Pyramids. I just have a soft spot for their history.
  4. history:
    Well, yeah. I love history. Not as a subject usually, but I love it.
  5. joni mitchell:
    Great Folk singer. She's very talented. Wierd, but talented.
  6. movies:
    Oh god. I am a Scene It master. You probably could not beat me.
  7. photography:
    I love art, and I love snapping photos and sharing that with people.
  8. rum cake:
    When we went to the Cayman Islands we'd always bring back rum cakes. We'd sample in the stores... just the best rum cake ever. If you say you've had cake better, you're lying.
  9. sir thomas more:
    What can I say???? You should know. I played Margaret Roper! I am in love with Thomas More!
  10. the bilge pumps:
    They make me laugh, what can I say? They were hillarious through my one year at fair.

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