[First grade teacher's name:] Mrs. Howard
[Last word you said:] ewwww (if that counts as a word)
[Last song you sang:] heh, Dreaming of You by Selena with Chelly and Stephanie.....
[Last person you hugged:] yeah, hm....i can't remember, all i know is it was probably awkward
[Last thing you laughed at:] lindsey "passing air" *see [last word you said]*
[Last time you said I don’t f*cking remember:] never
[Last time you cried:] i don't remember
[[[PRESENT] ] ]
[What's in your CD player:] Green to the Dizay
[What color socks are you wearing:] no socks
[What's under your bed:] boxes of old papers
[What time did you wake up today:] 6 am
[Current taste:] garlic
[Current hair:] curly
[Current clothes:] practice clothes
[Current annoyance:] chelly not putting headphones on
[Current longing:] sleep/ to win this Saturday
[Current desktop picture:] yellow tulips
[Current worry:] not going to state this year
[Current hate:] LATENESS that EVERYONE gets punished for
[Current favorite article of clothing:] tees
[Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex:] wow, haven't thought about that in a while...prob abs
[Last CD that you listened to:] eisley
[Favorite place to be:] texas
[Least favorite place:] lindsey's car
[Time you wake up in the morning:] early
[If you could play an instrument, what would it be:] piano
[Favorite color:] red
[Do you believe in an afterlife:] not sure
[How tall are you?] 5'3-ish
[Current favorite word/saying:] niiiiicceee
[Favorite book:] sounder
[Favorite season:] FALL!
[One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:] my best friend from kindergarden
[Favorite day:] my birthday
[[[FUTURE] ] ]
[Where do you want to go:] no plans yet
[What is your career going to be like:] fun and something i love to do...kinda pitiful that i haven't found out what that is yet
[How many kids do you want:] 2/3
[What kind of car will you have:] a good one
[[[HAVE YOU EVER...] ] ]
[Said "I love you" and meant it:] if you know me, you know i don't say it often...but when i do, i always mean it
[Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc:] yeah....my cat tends to verbally abuse me
[Been to New York?] nope
[Been to Florida?: ] yeah
[San Diego, Cali?: ] nah
[Hawaii?: ] no
[Mexico?: ] nope
[China?] no
[Canada?] never
[Danced naked?: ] when i was like 2
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:] never
[Wanted to be the opposite sex:] haha i remember when i really hated chelsey and i asked my parents why they had her and they said that if I was a boy they wouldn't have....that was the only time
[Had an imaginary friend?] Geooooorge! Actually that was lindsey's imaginary friend...but i was soo jealous of her b/c i wanted him to be my friend
[[[RANDOM] ] ]
[Do you have a crush on someone?] i might
[What book are you reading now?: ] no books
[Worst feeling in the world:] majorly stressed out
[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] not again
[How many rings before you answer?] generally 2
[Future daughter's name:] lily-marie (i'll probably just stick with a general normal name, but i just think it's pretty)
[Future son's name:] Andrew Tyler (last name inserted here)
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] yeah, everyone knows obo
[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] i'd like to be a pediatrician...minus the schooling and the money it costs for schooling
[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: ] right...but i do try to take my us histroy notes with the left
[Wish you were here:] no
[College plans:] im tryin
[Piercing:] ears, tummy
[Do you do drugs?] never
[Do you drink:] i have
[Who are your best friends?] hmm...'best friends' how do you determine what that is anyways
[What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?] any kind
[What are you most scared of?] the future freaks me out
[What clothes do you sleep in?] pants and a tee
[Who is the last person that called you?] think...think...think...prob my mom
[Where do you want to get married?] maybe a church...yeah, im traditional like that
[If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?] less shy, more energetic, less easily annoyed, nicer
[Who do you really hate?] im not a hater
[Favorite number:] 24
[Been In Love?] idk
[Are You Timely or Always Late:] depends
[Do You Have a Job:] no
[Do You Like Being Around People:] my friends
[Best feeling in the world:] when your performing at a competition and you suddenly get this rush of excitment and nerves and the right after that last note has been played and you slam your horn down and you look around as everyone cheers....or watching a past performance that brings back GREAT memories and it makes your tummy tingle.....yeah
[Are you for world peace:] yes
[Are you a health freak:] i wish
[Do you have A "Type" Of Person you always go after:] always a friend
[Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now:] hard question...i would like to hang out with people that i don't hang out with much....but other than that....not necessarily
[Are You Lonely Right Now: ] no
[Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: ] i used to be
[Do You Want To Get Married:] yes
[Do You Want Kids:] yes
[cried:] psh....i've been doing this survey for the past 48 hours. how could i have time for anything else. never again
[Bought something:] noooo
[Gotten Sick:] no
[Sang:] of course
[Said I Love you:] nooo
[Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them:] nooo
[Met Someone New:] aww i love meeting new people; i did at the easley game...but that was a while ago
[Talked To someone:] yes
[Had A Serious Talk: ] no, thank goh
[Missed Someone: ] yeah
[Hugged Someone: ] no
[Kissed Someone: ] no
What is love? "You know how when you're listening to music playing from another room? And you're singing along because it's a tune that you really love? When a door closes or a train passes so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway... then, no matter how much time passes, when you hear the music again you're still in exact same time with it. That's what it's like." --good quote, good movie, thanks chelly
Does fire fascinate you? i like to stare at it
Do you have a short temper? kinda
Are you very warm hearted? possibly
Do you feel intense emotions? i'm a girl, of course i feel intense emotions
Are you bright? yes
What are the three most wholesome things you've done lately? i did my homework, i went to church, i went to school?
Are you rich in self confidence? psh
Are you rich in vitamin c? no, but now i want some orange juice
Are you a very happy person? perty sure i am
Do you like the sun? it's okay, but only when wanted
Do you ever feel utter and complete joy? oooh yeah
Do you feel like the volume in your life is all the way up? i have been known to turn it up a notch
Do you feel warm inside when you hug people? more like awkward....just cause i don't do it often
If you were a care bear would you be cheer bear? negative
Are you lemon scented? (i delete stupid questions)
Are you incredibly lucky? hm...no
Are you easy going? maybe
Are you very mischievous? possibly
Ever find a four leafed clover? no, this may explain the lucky part
Are you fresh like mint? i looove mint
Does nature speak to you? never has
Do you love to look at water? yes
Are you calm/relaxed? at the moment? tired
Is it very difficult to upset you? not really
Are you at peace? right now? yes
Are you comforting? who knows
Are you well balanced? hm
Are you content? yes
Are you royalty? no
Are you very free spirited? a little
Are you conceited? not really
Do you have a passion for indulgence? not really
Are you less than intense? a little less
Are you incredibly feminine? no
Do you absorb everything possible? as much as i can
Are you incredibly energetic? nope
Are you expensive? nah
Are you worth it? im worth every penny