Просто картинки еще
Elijah, Jonah, Obdadiah. серия Thesaurus Sacrarum Historiarum veteris testamenti, elegantissimis imaginabus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera: nunc primum in lucem editus
Three prophets: to left, Elijah, a raven resting on his shoulder and a man seen beside him, at centre, Jonah, seen from behind, supervising the construction of a temple, to right, Obdadiah, carrying a jar in one hand and holding bread rolls with the other.
Published by Gerard de Jode after Jan Snellinck. School/style: Flemish. 1585
Bm В хронологическом порядке. Описания и иногда музейные комментарии. Перевод редко, от лени).
Marble altar probably dedicated to Apollo. On the front is a raven perched on a festoon of laurel. There are laurel trees on each side of the altar.
2ndC, Excavated/Findspot Rome (said to be from)
(Bought from Jenkins (or through him from Piranesi) in 1768 for £5 )
Bm Silver coin pendant or medalet based partly on Cufic dirham of Nasr bin Ahmad (913-942); Christian features of ?dove surmounted by cross; originally with riveted suspension loop, then pierced near edge.
10thC (mid). Culture/period: Finno-Ugrian (?), Balt (?), Slav (?), Islamic (style)
Excavated/Findspot: Russia (?), Livonia (?), Tartu (?area)
Curator's comments
Провенанс Тарту (ранее Дерпт) область, Эстония (?); Bähr утверждал, что человек, который дал ему был из района Тарту, но что его предыдущий владелец нашел монету в Лифляндии; Франк (1908) дает провенанс Tartu без комментариев, но, возможно, имел другую информацию
Профессор Иоганн Карл Bähr (1801-1869)
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Karl_Ulrich_B%C3%A4hr служил сначала в рижской Академии художеств, а затем в Дрездене. Он начал формировать археологическую коллекцию в основном Балтского и финно-угорского материала после наводнений вдоль реки Даугавы (Duna) летом 1837 года, которые открыли или вымыли несколько захоронений периода, в частности в Айзкраукле (ранее Ascheraden) и Сигулде (Segewold).
Насильственные политические волнения на континенте в 1848-49, кажется, были одной из главных причин его решения о продаже своей коллекции, а также разочарование в дискуссии по поводу значимости материала, который он собрал, который опровергала его собственное мнение о том, что артефакты железного века принадлежали местным финно-угорским ливам. Коллекция была приобретена Британским музеем в 1852 году за счет предполагаемых аналогий с находками периода викингов, которые были сделаны в Англии.
Хотя ни одна оригинальная рукопись каталога, кажется, не достигла Лондона, Bähr опубликовал отчет о своих раскопках в Айзкраукле и Сигулде (Bahr 1850). Это формирует основу и дополняет информацию о находках, зарегистрированных в реестре. Но она по-прежнему конкретизирует лишь восемь из пятидесяти или более могил, которые он раскопал на прежнем месте и дает лишь небольшой выбор из последних в области Даугмале. (Barry Ager)
Bm St Oswald and St Notburga
St Oswald and St Notburga; the saints stand under an arch with foliage and two angels fly above them, holding a scroll with text; the Northumbrian king holds a staff and his attribute, the crowned raven with a ring in its beak; to the l stands St Notburga with only one arm, taking a leaf from a snake's mouth (святые стоят под аркой с листвой и двумя ангелами пролетают над ними, держа в руках свиток с текстом; король Нортумбрии держит посох и его атрибут, коронованный ворон с кольцом в клюве; St Notburga с одной рукой, берущей лист изо рта змеи; их имена выгравированы ниже; на верхней части каждой колонны с обеих сторон отпечатки двух гербов)
Print made by Anonymous, 1490-1500 (c.), Germany
Bm Johannes Rhagius Aesticampianus writing at his desk; seated at left in front of a brocaded wall-hanging; Minerva standing at centre; four male figures of various ages at right; landscape background with a large black raven;
illustration to Aesticampianus's edition of Martianus Campella's 'Rhetoric', Leipzig, Martin Landsberg, 1509.
Bm Bookplate with the arms of the Schnöd family; with three heraldic motifs (stylised leaves ?) on the escutcheon and a bird (a crow ?) to the left as the crest; in a circular frame formed by two festoons.
Print made by Virgil Solis, 1550-1560, Germany
Bm Arendt ende craeye
'The eagle and the crow'; an eagle with a piece of bread in its beak flies above a corw on the ground; they both look at each other; Dutch letterpress on verso; illustration to Eduwaert de Dene's edition of Aesop's Fables, "De Warachtighe Fabulen der Dieren" (Pieter de Clerck, Bruges: 1567). c.1567
Bm Rave ende schorpioen
'The raven and the scorpion'; a raven sits on a branch in a landscape with a scorpion in its beak; in the background there is a village; Dutch letterpress on verso; illustration to Eduwaert de Dene's edition of Aesop's Fables, "De Warachtighe Fabulen der Dieren" (Pieter de Clerck, Bruges: 1567). c.1567 Etching
Bm A crow in a tree with a fox below, one of twelve illustrations of Fables, after Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder; with ruins behind
School/style: Netherlandish, 1564-1615
(Copy on a reduced scale from the etching by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder in 'De Warachtighe fabulen der dieren' by Eduwaert de Dene, published at Bruges in 1567)
Bm St Paul the Hermit, bust to right, with long beard and his hands in prayer, a raven with a piece of bread in top right; in an oval cartouche; lions flanking inscription below.
Print made by Cornelis Galle I, Published by Theodoor Galle, 1591-1633
Lettered below image, five lines: "Decimo sexto ... / ... Obijt anno 343." and "C. Galle sculp. Th. Galle exc. cum priuilegio.".
Bm Typus Pauptatis
St Paul the hermit in the wilderness, standing to left; a raven seen fliying before him, holding a bun with its beak.
Print made by Hieronymus Wierix. School/style: Netherlandish. 1619 (before)
Lettered at top 'CONFIDENS' and below image: 'Tibi derelictus...34' and below 'S. Paulus eremita'.
Bm Oliver Cromwel.
Caricature of Cromwell smoking a pipe, wearing spectacles and a hat from which horns grow; a raven alights on top of the hat and an owl, also wearing spectacles and a hat with horns perches on his right shoulder
Print made by Anonymous. School/style: Dutch, 1653 (circa)
(The caricatural elements of the print appear to have been added to a formal portrait of Cromwell)
Bm Coat of arms of 's-Gravenwezel, Schilde, near Antwerp; escutcheon charged with tower and raven holding crown in right claw, or and sable on gules; helmeted, mantled with leaves and surmounted by raven; letterpress above and below; illustration of page 229 from Jacob Le Roy's "Notitia Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii" (Amsterdam: 1678)
Bm Alfred in the Isle of Athelney, receiving News of a Victory over the Danes
Two knights kneeling down before the King in simple dress, one holding a flag with eagle, oterh approach at right, tree trunks behind; after Nicholas Blakey, no. 5 from a series. 1751, the plate re-worked and re-published 1778, London
Bm Ora Sesta di Giorno. (series: Hours)
Sixth hour of the day: draped female figure, on dark ground, holding a bat and flowers; below, a scene representing a squirrel in a a chariot drawn by a dove, and a raven; after Raphael; lettered state.
Printed by Damour, Print made by Louis François Mariage after Raphael. c.1803/06
Bm This statue of Roman Cement has been erected at the cost of the 40s Freeholders
Above the design as an alternative title: 'The Noblest Roman of them All!' A statue of Wellington in Roman armour, but wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece and a medal, stands on a column, formed of an erect cannon and having the inscription 'Cannon . Law', the upper part (muzzle) only being visible. He holds against his right hip a rolled document inscribed 'Emancipation'. He wears a wreath of battered ears of corn (suggesting the straw crown of the lunatic as well as the Corn Bill, see BM Satires No. 15409), and his head, hollow-cheeked and vulturine, is turned in profile to the right, towards an aggressive raven with the head of Eldon. From Eldon's profile projects a large beak from which issues a 'Croak'; other menacing birds fly near. From the pedestal, as a background to the Duke's legs, projects a trophy of flags topped by French imperial eagles, with spear, bayonet, &c. The cannon-pedestal is surrounded by dark clouds or smoke.
Print made by William Heath. Published by Thomas McLean, London, 1825-1830
Bm Netsuke. Crow Tengu with its young. Made of wood.
1820 (about), Japan.
The Crow Tengu, or Karasu Tengu, is a mythical creature with the beak, wings and claws of a bird and the body of a human. Tengu are believed to inhabit mountains, and are sometimes regarded as spirits of the forests and mountains. They are often depicted as ascetic mountain priests known as yamabushi, practitioners of native mountain worship.
Bm Aelfredus Magnus Rex Angl
Portrait of Alfred the Great, bust-length, in an oval, slightly turned to the right, with long hair and a beard, a crown upon his head and an ermine-trimmed cloak about his shoulders, the frame surrounded by martial implements such as halberds and pikes decorated with floral garlands, scrolls and the Raven Banner, the title on a banner below
Print made by John Berryman, 1794-1837