Еще фотографии перестроечного Парижа от Charles Marville (1813-1879)
Théâtre du Vaudeville, décoration du fronton, chevalier, sculpteur. circa 1853-70Broken pediment? with classical style male figure, bearing laurel wreath and torch, flanked by two winged figures and bas reliefs.
Photographer not stated but Charles Marville.
Title inscribed in black ink on folio page beneath image.
Undated, dates assigned from Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Иногда к этой картинке встречается подпись - гений комедии. Без комментариев).
По ссылкам большой размер.
Некоторые картинки я поделила на приближенные части, чтобы было лучше видно.
Collége Rollin, Gavillon central. circa 1853-70Shows facade of two storey building with clock at roof, balconettes at upper storey windows, arched door, decorative wrought iron on lower windows. Name College Rollin beneath clock.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Практически на всех часах, попавших на фотографии, цифра 4 пишется как IIII. Так что если где-то встречается IV, то это интересный вопрос))
Еще деталь
По-моему имени Минерва нигде на надписях не встретилось, только Афина.
Collége Chaptal. circa 1853-70Shows detail of facade of school with arched portico flanked by engaged pillars supporting a pediment, railing gate in front of front door.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Надписи - Афина, Наука, Искусство.
Hôtel Carnavalet - Facade des Drapierscirca 1870 - until 1868 the facade was located on 11 rue des Déchargeurs, at the location of today's Cremerie de Paris, a museum and expos space.
Elevated view of facade of three storey building, three arched entrances, double pillars flanking middle door support a coat of arms of Paris with classical style statues and double pillars supporting a classical style female figure seated in broken pediment.
Photographer not stated but possibly Charles Marville.
Undated, dates assigned from Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Еще деталь
Hôtel Carnavalet. circa 1853-70Bahut XIII Siècle: Rectangular wooden chest covered with circular carvings, on short block legs, Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
13 век, а на Мальте такие узоры относят ко времени задолго до нэ)). Ну и для 13 века оно, конечно, выглядит слишком хорошо сохранившимся))
Ecole Turgot - Maillet, sculpteur. vers 1853-70Bas-relief: Classical style figures inside a pediment: bust of a crowned female figure with reclining female figures on either side, one holding an amphora the other a globe.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Eglise St. Augustin, Moreau, Mathurin, sculpteur. circa 1853-70Bas relief panels depicting classical styled winged creatures, angels?, bearing symbols eg. mason's tools, spear, sword and scales.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Eglise St. Augustin, Moreau, Mathurin, sculpteur. circa 1853-70Bas relief panels depicting classical styled winged creatures, angels?, bearing symbols eg. mason's tools, spear, sword and scales.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Женщины-ангелы в церкви св. Августина, одна в образе Геракла с дубиной. В восхищении))
Аналогично предыдущей картинке
источник Eglise St. Pierre de Montrouge, M. Vaudremer, architect. circa 1850-70Collection of decorative masonry e.g. friezes, capitals of pillars, statues. Église Saint-Pierre-de-Montrouge, Paris, France.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Икебана из образцов декора. А потом стали такие как бы из древностей устраивать).
Hôtel de Ville, Oudiné, graveur. circa 1853-70Details of Hôtel de Ville de Paris
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Живопись и скульптура.
источник Музыка и архитектура
источник Химия и ? (нет надписи справа)
источник Hôtel de Ville, Salle du Conseil Municipal, Oudiné, graveur. circa 1853-70Five bas-reliefs, classical style figures depicting allegorical themes, possibly the basis for later medals? Hôtel de Ville de Paris, France.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Мораль и политика.
Наука и индустрия
источник Коммерция (с кадуцеем, вестимо) и законодательство (со скрижалями завета)
источник Palais de Justice, M. M. Duc et Daumet, architectes. circa 1853-70Examples of sculpture, Palais de Justice, Paris, France.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Еще икебана
Palais de Justice, M. M. Duc et Daumet, architectes. vers 1853-70A clock face set in elaborately carved setting, Palais de justice de Paris.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Часы. Законодательство и суд? Головы баранов, голова с крыльями, нечто, напоминающее вариант трискелиона.
Наверху цифирки 1585))
Palais de Justice, M. M. Duc et Daumet, architectes. circa 1853-70Elevated view looking towards shallow flight of steps into alcove housing a classical style statue carrying a tablet and a staff.
Photographer unknown but probably Charles Marville. Undated, dates assigned from time of Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Наверху суд. В треугольнике змея и зеркало вроде бы.
Внизу закон.
Théâtre du Vaudeville. circa 1853-70Detail of decorated stonework, rectangular block with freize of crossed staffs one with the head of a jester, twined with plants, pilasters with scroll work on each side.
Photographer not stated but Charles Marville. Title inscribed in black ink on folio page beneath image. Undated, dates assigned from Haussman's renovation of Paris. Name of architect printed beneath title on folio sheet.
Théâtre du Vaudeville. circa 1853-70Detail of frieze, Théâtre du Vaudeville, Paris.
Photographer not stated but Charles Marville. Title inscribed in black ink on folio page beneath image. Undated, dates assigned from Haussman's renovation of Paris.
Очень знакомые спиральные узоры.
Statue depicting three cherub like figures holding masks and staff, Théâtre du Vaudeville, Paris. Marble decorative features showing figures of three putti in classical pose, Théâtre du Vaudeville, Paris. Une des anciennes fontaines du Faubourg Saint-Martin, modèle 2 (Paris 9e). Photographie de Charles Marville, vers 1875, Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris et State Library of Victoria. Une seule (du modèle 1) est visible à Paris au Jardin Villemin (9e arrondissement).
circa 1875