too bad I dont have the drive to write anymore. i just spilled my guts to you about everything. I havent done that in a long time. It felt really good. blah.
I don't know what to do. I'm getting a new job thank God. I'm trying to fix at least one of my freaking cars. And, to boot, I can't even talk about a girl without pissing 45346 people off. So I'm not gonna talk about her :)
AND. Just keep it to myself. Bottling things up always seems to be best for me.
I don't like being disrespected. Last night, I was disrespected numerous times. I wanted to pound in a few faces, but the main one just really really fucking hurt.
soon I'll be back from all this work and I'll make love to you make love to you we'll reconnect it soon I'll be back in your arms be back in your arms connected