(no subject)

Feb 23, 2006 15:47

When you watch Dr. LaBorde walk around the school while doing crossword puzzles

When lunch tables are not separated by color, but by major.

When they run out of pizza by C lunch.

When you park at the church down the street to smoke.

When you see people get jumped in the front of the school at the CATS bus stop.

When you've seen D'mitri do a split in front of the trash cans during lunch.

When Ms. Murray has called your house because you were tardy.

When Mr. Washington stares at you and you don't know which eye to look at.

When you see the gay boys get more ass then the straight ones.

When you've seen BEH boys run from security.

When you've told a middle schooler to get the hell out of the middle of the hallway.

When you've been to a play, musical, fashion show or a dance performance, yet never a band concert.

When you've seen people leave... and come right back.

When you know that 'Northwest is simply the best'.

You hate it when Mrs. Roester says, "If you are taking transportation home...," as if there is any other way home.

When the only fights we really have are between 6th and 7th graders.

When you can walk into a room and say, "Ugh, I hate black people," (even if you're white) and no one would care or even notice.

when your best friend lives 45 minutes away from you.

When girls go to dances planning on dancing with each other. Same for guys.

When you've heard Mr Rudolph call the same people for D-court every day.

When Mr. Rudolph/ Bosco has yelled in your ear with the megaphone.

When you have had an elevator key, but never really needed it.

When you remember the old cafeteria, and eating in the courtyard by the tree.

You didn't drink the water in the gym. haha.

All the guys you like are gay :( {if you're a guy then that's a good thing}

When everyone smokes pot, unless they're musical theatre majors.

When Mr. Brown knows you're skipping. But pretends not to.

When you get sick of Mr. Marshall talking about a mullet.

When you get sick of Elliott Bloom actually having a mullet.

When you know all the drivers of the 7x CATS bus.

When you see kids fighting so you throw up a gang sign jokingly or make a stupid "gangster" remark to the person beside you, then keep walking to your next class


When you pretend to like all of these "indie", emo or "cool" bands.

When you actually do like an unholy amount of bands.

YOU REMEMBER THE BATS!!! ...or better yet, you were there for them.

When you have lettered buildings instead of number wings and you have 3 floors per building.

When you go to Mr. King's room to skip.

When you go to Mr. King to unlock the trailer bathroom and he knows you're going in there to smoke, but he opends 'em anyway.

When Mr. King walks into the bathroom and looks over the stall to try to talk you out of smoking.

When you remember those dreaded, ugly panels.

If Ms. Davis yelled at you last year for wearing your dance clothes to lunch, but never actually wrote you up.

If you know how dumb the "bus drivers will be closing the doors at 2:20. so if you are not on your bus you will miss it" thing is and you know that they don't actually close 'till almost 2:30.

If you know how red Mr. Marshall gets when certian people ask him about his tattoos or his girlfriend.

When you know everyone by name in the hallway.

When you can describe someone with 'the one with the red mohawk', and everyone knows who you are talking about.

When everyone hugs everyone!

When your cell phone rings during class and the teacher could care less.

When you just get up and walk around the room to talk to your friends when the teacher is talking.

When lots of people make their own clothes.

When the gay guys dress better than the straight girls.

If you associate clapping with Ms. Murray... "Clap you hands twice if you can hear my voice..."

If you think Mr. George is the sexiest thing alive!
And Mr. Marshall..

When you spend more time at school then you do sleeping

When you can dance and sing random showtunes down the hallway and half the school will join you in harmony.

When you've been there since 6th grade and you've watched the 6th graders get smaller and smaller each year.

When Mr. K explains ways of how to get away with smokin' pot in your room, or cussing Mr. K out and then asking politely if you can skip in his room.

When you listen to Scapegoat

When you do your own piercings in class.

When you make fun of Mr. Memije by calling him Mr. Midget.

When you wear skirts to school for no reason.

When you hear the "Happy Birthday" song almost every day at lunch, whether it's actually someone's birthday or not.

When the 'rules' couldn't matter less because the teachers are just glad that you're at school and in class.

If you've ever tagged a desk in the science rooms only for it to be covered up.

If you've ever said SVEE.
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