Well, first of all I'm very excited to have so many pretty awards this year. Yes, even the bimbo one. :P Sadly, the experts awards don't qualify for my student file - pity *g* - so I wanted to give you all a chance to see them here. Especially since some of them had me in hysterics for most of last night... :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaand...the Bimbo Award!
This award goes to those who are most likely to drool over celebrities, and/or "fall in love with" and "marry" fictional characters. And the winners aaaare....
Malien Clementielle and Sayuri Anderson ! For goodness' sake, keep your romantic adventures out of the common rooms, please.....
~Hermione Jane Granger~
And the question is not 'What did I do?' but rather, "What DIDN'T I do?' XD